Category Archives: Islam

Lone Wolf Propaganda

The purpose of the entire concept of the LONE WOLF is to blunt the will of the public and protect the Muslims from us defending our selves!

Remember, even wolves hunt in packs. Moreover, half of DHS is staffed with Muslims. Our president is a Muslim.

Don’t buy into the LONE WOLF TERRORIST propaganda! It is designed by the sociopaths who rule us to lull us into a false sense of security so that the Muslims can flood our country and destroy us!

My Impressions on Ebola

First, this is not a mere “outbreak” but an “attack” on the United States.  Things are not always what they appear to be and Americans either do not want to believe the truth and are in denial of the dire reality or Americans overall are just too stupid to be able to process and understand the data.

Second, it appears to be caused by Red Cross injections in Africa.

Third, it appears that others can catch it from the initial person who develops Ebola after they were injected with that infectious agent.

Fourth, and I hope & pray this is true, it seems that those in this third tier of Ebola victims who acquire it third in line are better able to recover and cope than are the initially injected victim and those they infect, the secondary targets. This may mean that the weapon has a limited half-life and that the average person builds anti-bodies to Ebola rather fast and effectively.

I really don’t know, but this article I have linked to is well worth reading;


The Second Blood Moon

The second of four sequential Blood Moon Lunar Eclipses has just finished.  From my vantage the first one was almost directly overhead and this one this morning was to my west.  My guess is the next one this spring during the 2015 Passover will be on the opposite side of the world and will not be visible from this vantage.  Then the final fourth Blood Moon will be just below my view in the east during the Feast of Tabernacles 2015.

That way these signs in the heavens shall come full circle warning all of the Israelite inhabitants of the earth of their impending doom.  While some say these four consecutive Lunar Eclipses each on the High Holy Days of Ancient Israel spell the impending doom of Satan and his dominions, I think not!

These four signs in the heavens announce the beginning of the second period of Jacobs’ Troubles and are the time Jesus Himself warned us about that “if not cut short all flesh would perish.”

Flesh refers to the Caucasian descendants of Israel!  However, these are not the “false Jews” Jesus warns us about in Revelations 2:9 and again in Revelations 3:9–a “double witness” meaning god wants us to get His point!

These are the descendants of Adam not the mortal men that were on the earth first. Before World War II Caucasians made up 30% of the world’s population.  Today we are LESS THAN 7%!

At the end of 10 years, Caucasians will make up less than 3% of the earth’s population!

That is G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E!

The first period of Jacob’s Trouble lasted 20 years and this second period of Jacob’s Trouble is just beginning!  We see the “signs of Noe” (Noah).  There is violence in the earth and men are marrying men.  This is the way it will be right up to the end!

They destroyed the institution of marriage just before the Flood and today they are destroying the institution of marriage.  When we read the Bible carefully we will see that the mixes produced children and their children were civil but their children, that is, the grandchildren of those mixes were extremely violent and that is what we have in America today as the mixed seed of the Negro and the Israelite are becoming more merciless each day!

So when are Caucasians going to wake up and realize that we are being hunted as a group?  Not in time to save most of us who are alive today!

If we were being hunted individually, you and I would sense that.  But this is a group effort, a cultural war that is quickly deteriorating in Religious Wars and soon Race Wars.

Who are Satan and his children?  The Bible informs us directly throughout.  Try Psalms 83.  In the first half “my hidden ones” God is talking about are his family, the Israelite descendants today.  More importantly, those “hidden ones” are hidden from themselves!

Because we don’t know who we are, we have no hope of recognizing our enemy!  But read on and we see a list of the members of the “Confederacy” against God’s holy ones.

Ishmaelites aren’t even the first listed. Why is that?  Because the Muslims are not our most important enemy.  In fact, they are our half brothers.

The Edomite or “false Jew” who descended from Cain via Esau (Red) is our most important enemy!  But we don’t see them for what they are!  These are the “Israeli Duals” who have dual American citizenship and modern Israeli citizenship.  Moreover, they are disproportionately represented in government and high places.  These are the foreigners (the devils) who are illegally occupying America and DESTROYING THE WORLD!

When will White people wake up, turn to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and become the fire God said He was going to make us and burn the Edomites as prophesized in Obediah?

FBI and CIA using Gangs

While it may seem incredulous that the CIA would be currently training MS-13 gang members, remember the people who are illegally occupying America have been  planning this for a long time. In fact, the first I heard of anything involving gangs was the FBI planning to use gangs as cannon fodder to go after us and seek out those who would be most resistant.

That was 20 years ago exactly!  And these folks have a way of planning and finessing their diabolical plans over long periods of time. They have the think tanks behind them with many psychologists, psychiatrists and sociologists working for them contributing to their knowledge base. They run constant experiments upon US gathering data about our responses.

They have this down to a science!  And these are the same people who did that to Germany and Russia and China in the last century. They are getting ready to do it.  Actually, THEY ARE DOING IT TO AMERICA RIGHT NOW!

They have been conducting their psychosociopolitical warfare for decades in the United States and around the world.

They are a combination of descendants of peoples described in the confederacy God details in Psalms 83.  READ THE BIBLE!

CIA Training MS-13

Friday I received report from outside the controlling confines of our once great nation very disturbing news.  My friend had been watching videos on the internet of the CIA training the infamous gang the MS-13 to occupy America.

When I asked for links, I was informed that the videos are on a separate internet and that I would have to buy access to it.  It is very expensive. Besides, I have enough trouble getting regular internet locally.  Furthermore, I doubt our keepers with DHS, the NSA, the FBI and the CIA and all other alphabet soup agencies would allow access to such videos.

This is not the first time I have heard of our government using gangs to rape, pillage, murder and occupy US.  The first time I heard of something like this was 20 years ago. At the time it was presented to me as the FBI using the drug gangs as “cannon fodder” to oppress the population at large. The gang members would launch the initial attack against citizens with the promise they could keep all they could steal and have at us in any way they wanted.

Today, however, this does not apply. Why? Because the tactics of the MS-13 are different. First, the MS-13 are trained in guerilla warfare tactics to terrorize. Second, and far more important, the MS-13 do not “recruit” members. They prefer to conquer exiting gangs, take them over and enslave them.

So, MS-13 gang members will not be cannon fodder. Rather, the members of the gangs they take over will be thrown at us.

While it is best to take this report with a grain of salt, the fact is those who illegally occupy the US and assassinated JFK and many others and pulled off 9/11 and thus far have gotten off without an accusation are behind this. When we solve one crime, we solve them all. Right now it appears folks are wanting to know the truth about so many things that their cover is falling apart. From 9/11 to Fast ‘n Furious to Benghazi to the IRS to this illegal invasion Amnesty by our “acting President,” The American people are furious at both the Democrats and the Republicans.

Our Enemies are Listed in the Bible (Psalm 83)

Read the Book of All Knowledge and know your enemies!

The Bible is the Book of All Knowledge and is the great intertext.  If one wants to know the truth about something, check the Bible and what the Bible has to say about it.

In the case of the current conflict, the real war, the conspiracy, Psalm 83 is very clear.  God lists our enemies in this grand conspiracy which the Bible calls a “confederacy” in the order of danger and importance.

Our second enemy are the Ishmaelites.  Those are easily identified and handled (if we ever wake up).  Today’s Ishmaelites are the Muslims.  In general, the Muslim populations are the descendants of Ishmael.

Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar.  This is how the Muslims (rightfully) claim Abraham as their father.  In fact, there are some descendants of Ishmael who are pure Adamic.

But the followers of Islam are readily identifiable (and wrongly blamed for 911) and are almost polite in that they tell us to our faces that we must convert to Islam, submit to  paying dhimmitude (which is part of our law in ObamaCare, the Affordable HealthCare Act!) or be killed.

These are those who can merely kill the body and not the soul.  These are the Muslims and that’s Islam.

Much more importantly, the Bible lists our number one and most dangerous enemy as the Edomites!  These are the sly, sneaky bastard spawn of Satan (Cain and Canaan) who want to kill both your body and your soul.

How your soul?  It’s simple yet profound.  They control America today and control the world.  They have taken over all major institutions including the churches!  They have force fed us with lies and half truths and have perverted Biblical Christianity.  They have given the world an alternative christ  (lower case “c”), the anti-Christ!

But the Edomites are much harder to recognize and identify today.  Why?  In part, they resemble us but they are not the same.  For examples of Edomites today look at George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Henry Kissinger, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.  Look at the international bankers and the folks in Hollywood.  Look at almost any of the leaders in any American institution today and they are either Edomites, Edomite lackeys or traitors working for the Edomites.

An example of an Edomite lackey is Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from Texas.  Now, she is so dumb that she does not realize she is being used, manipulated.  She is primarily Enoshe or Enoshwe and has no idea she is not acting in the best interests of her people and her country!

Worse yet, but not mentioned in Psalm 83, are those Adamic people who have crossed over and serve the enemy.  Those are harder to detect.  An example of such a traitor today is Senator John McCain.  Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts may be another traitor.  Senator Ted Kennedy was also another traitor.  There are many other examples of traitors in our government, past and present.

Sadly, our American history is strewn with Edomite lackeys.  Perhaps the worst was President Woodrow Wilson who was completely contolled by the Edomites and his handler who really ran the government from behind the scenes, Colonel Edward Mandell House.  Col. House actually lived in the White House.

In fact, almost all Presidents since Wilson have been controlled by Edomite handlers.  President Richard Nixon was controlled by Henry Kissinger.  President Obama, although a mix of Edomite and Ishmaelite himself, is handled by Valerie Jarrett.

However, I am convinced President FDR was himself an Edomite.

Herod the Great. was an Edomite, an Idumean.  And we all know what Herod did to babies under the age of two!  That is the general disposition and character of the Edomites or at least their leaders.

Now, you may call them “New World Order” handlers but there is nothing “new” about them.  In fact, they are the “old” world order.  They just repackaged themselves to market themselves and make them more appealing to you.  They are all from the evil Satan did to Eve in Genesis 3:14-15.

But you don’t know all this because you remain illiterate.  You remain uneducated because you don’t read the Bible.  That is about all I read or half of my daily reading at the least is in the Bible.  A man or woman can not consider themselves educated if they’ve never read the Bible.

Besides, that’s the last thing they want you to do.  Why?  Because if you’ve read the Bible as I have and continue to do, you would know who the bad guys are.  More importantly and what they fear the most is that you will find out who you are.  Then you would rise up against them and throw their yoke off!



Barack Obama Had Ambassador Stevens Killed in Order to Cover Up Obama’s Crimes

Ambassador Stevens discovered President Obama was smuggling arms to the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria illegally and Ambassador Stevens complained to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  As a result the Secretary of State and the President of the Untied States in particular conspired to have Ambassador Stevens killed in order to cover up President Obama’s crimes.  This is why President Obama arranged for the Muslim Brotherhood to attack and kill Ambassador Stevens!

This is evil.  Obama has blood on his hands.


Revolution is dangerous.  Revolution is scary.  Yet, we all know it is coming.  I was wondering if the smaller countries around the world are going to set an example of us in America.  Perhaps they will set an example for us.

It makes sense.  After all, the US is spying on everyone across the planet.  The US spies on its own citizens and the rest of the world!  But, we citizens are not alarmed by their spying at all.  We are nonplussed, while the rest of the world is registering large protests against the US for this inward and outward espionage.

Other countries are very upset and registering complaints loudly protesting the US spying upon them and their people while folks in the US consider this business as usual,

So, might the revolution come from outside the US?  Might the revolution begin in countries like Egypt?

I certainly hope so.  I don’t care where it comes from so much as I care that we wake up and shut down this Beast of a government we call the Federal Government of the USA.

The rest of the world knows what bullies we have become.  The rest of the world recognizes the US as the world oppressor.  Indeed, Americans have only been too willing to become the policemen of the world.  The problem is we are intruding in other peoples’ business and not minding our own.

Maybe if Egypt is successful in ridding itself of the Muslim Brotherhood and establishes self rule without Obama’s interference and with the interference of the US Federal Government and State Department, Americans might wake up and realize how oppressive our own State Department, which is loaded with communists, has been and is around the world.

The only way to stop the monstrosity is to give up our superiority complex and allow other peoples and other countries to rule themselves without overt and covert interference by the State Department and the alphabet soup agencies we have allowed to run amok—destroying the self determination of peoples around the world!

That’s right.  The US has become the world’s bully.  Our State Department has put people around the world under communism!  We did it in China and abandoned the largest segment of the world’s population to communism.

So, I ask:

What does America stand for?

What does the US State Department do around the world?

Forget about the talk, the words and rhetoric.  Observe the actual behavior and the outcomes.

Why?  Because America, regardless of administration, has been sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong ever since the inception of the Federal Reserve System.  Once we gave our wealth and power to the international bankers, it has been perpetual war.

Why?  Because it suits our keepers to profit off the wars and the blood of American boys.  There is no Pax Americana (American Peace, Latin); there is only the pox of the United States State Department successfully spreading communism around the world and genocide!

Wake up, America!

ObamaCare Establishes Sharia Law in America!

Here is the content of an e-mail copied en toto:

Yes, snopes was checked, now let’s all get our lives in check…eh?

What does this word mean? : Health Insurance Exemptions Apr 13, 2010 … Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations … The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia …,
The word “
Dhimmitude” is found in the new health care bill; so what does it mean?
Thought this was interesting and worth passing on.
Obama used it in the health care bill. Now isn’t this interesting? It is also included in the health care law.
Dhimmitude — I had never heard the word until now. I typed it into Google and started reading. Pretty interesting. It’s on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists.. It is a REAL word.
Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam. ObamaCare allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be “gambling”, “risk-taking”, and “usury” and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.
How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude. I recommend sending this on to your contacts. American citizens need to know about it — : Health Insurance Exemptions Apr 13, 2010 … Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations … The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia …>
Keep this going……………………..


Every non-Muslim in the United States of America needs to know about it.