Category Archives: Jihad

Currency Wars Cause World Wars!

Artificial Intelligence was released approximately 2006.

FYI, His name is not Jesus, Je-sus, Je-Zeus, but Yahshua.

Dear President Trump How to Win

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

Having written you a half a dozen letters or more with no response, I resort to openly writing my President.  It is not too late to win but you need to carefully consider my words.

You need to rally the people and those few honorable men and women in office.  You do this by cleaning up and protecting the Supreme Court.  This requires you to publicly assign the Attorney General to the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia.

And you call for the resignation of Jeff Sessions because he is weak.  He is spineless.  And you appeal publicly for the urgent appointment of Honorable Congressman Trey Gowdy to be immediately confirmed by the US Senate as the US Attorney General.

That is my prescription.  When you have taken these two bitter pills, call me in the morning.


Dr. Kent

Why American Males are Converting to Islam in Droves

American Females today are so pushy and dominating that they deserve the Sharia! Sorry, but it is true. American females have destroyed their homes and their nation. I predict that American males are going to flock to convert to Islam in Huge Numbers because of the unfairness and imbalance. Ladies, you are doing this to yourselves. You did it to the men and to your children. You have made welcome these Muslims.

Trump: We Are Totally Screwed

No matter how I look at it, we are totally screwed and we, the USA, will be destroyed.  The “Jews” (and they are NOT Jews per Jesus in Revelations 2:9, 3:9) have told us what they were doing to US and we let them do it!

Now, we have a man we did NOT elect in office.  Yes, we elected Trump but THAT is not the same man!

Trump and his family have been threatened and Trump and his family are being held hostage!  The look of fear on the faces in that family tell everything.  They are petrified.  They know Donald’s life is on the line and so are theirs.

The moment we lost General Flynn it was over.  And when his replacement McMaster opened his mouth I knew the deal was sealed!

General Michael T. Flynn was set up and knocked off by the Obama Administration.  And once I heard the new National Security Advisor say that ‘the words “radical Islam” do no one any good,’ I knew we were screwed!  The enemy had forced this jackass off on Trump as the new National Security Advisor!

As a result of his ego, the enemy got to Trump and manipulated Trump into doing their bidding.  Trump has flaws.  Hell, we’ve all got flaws, but this time it might have cost US all!   With our very lives!

The fact is WE ARE THE PROBLEM.  Not the Jews.  Not the Muslims even though THOSE TWO ARE WORKING TOGETHER.  The problem is us!  We turned our backs on God and failed to read our Bibles and we allowed ourselves to be deceived and to become deceivers–just like all of our pastors in the government 501(c)3 churches!


Let’s show Nike what America is made of!  Let’s let Nike know what we think!

Nike may be the first international corporation to go Muslim and pro Islam but that is NOT America!  It is not even the USA!

Boycotting may not be enough.  Let’s make sure to get our message across to those who support our enemies, those who want to DESTROY AMERICA!

For years I have used Nike because after decades of running I found I could rely upon Nike to fit me perfectly.  All I had to do was buy my size and Nike’s have always fit.  But now THE NIKE SHOE NO LONGER FITS and it will NEVER FIT again!



Death Squads Inside America

I coined this term “Hybrid False Flag Operation” to indicate that these are government operations in which people really die but not the way the government controlled news media reports.

In the Boston Bombing there were many crisis actors, yet still I think there may have been some who were killed or maimed. As a matter of fact, I suspect that Chris Kyle was murdered to cover up the operation because his men were on the scene providing security. Kraft International was there. All those men wearing their black shirts with khaki pants and black ball caps with their Punisher Logo were Chris Kyle’s men.

In Sandy Hook at Newtown, home of the second headquarters for Anton LaVey’s Satanic Church, no one died. Only the truth died. Perhaps one individual was sacrificed for the cause. The cause being disarming America in preparation to genocide.

At San Bernadino, it is difficult to tell who died. For one the patsies were found hand cuffed inside that black SUV. It is awfully hard to shoot a rifle when one’s hands are cuffed behind their backs! And kind of hard to shoot when one is dead. Besides, with the multiple eye witness reports which the media ignored of three large muscular White men doing all the shooting it certainly did not happen. At least, not as reported.

And we have Orlando or the “Homocaust,” another “False Fag” operation. The typos are intended. It is impossible to sort out. It is impossible to believe. With all the eye witness victim reports of two and three shooters and one barring the door holding them hostage inside that killing zone. It seems physically impossible for one man to spray all of those rounds reported.

The one overriding theme is DISARMING AMERICA. Now, why would over government want to do that?

I think we all know that the central government can not be trusted. It is apparent we have been taken over from the inside and we have been treated harshly. All know we need a reset, a return, a revolution in the same sense as our Founders used the term to apply to a return to self rule as it was before King George acted viciously by declaring a triple bounty upon long blond scalps, a double bounty on long hair scalps of other colors and a bounty upon the scalps of men.

Just as it was then, the enemy is advising those puppets in office to oppress us and to kill us.

GUN CONTROL is all about softening up the people so that they are unable to defend themselves against clandestine government DEATH SQUADS.

It is time we returned to the original 13th Amendment and reduced the power and scope of this central government. It is time we realized that the United States Federal Government is COMMUNIST in the worst sense of the term.

I hereby declare that the Death Squad which we used to attribute to third world banana republics in Central and South America operant inside of the United States of America!

I know you think I am a nut and you don’t believe me but it is true. We are no longer the home of the free and the home of the brave. We are prisoners and slaves in our own land. The conspiracy is detailed in the Bible in Psalms 83.

The Ishmaelite Muslim is not our most dangerous enemy but they are our second greatest natural enemy. The greatest enemy is the Edomite. Now, read the Bible. The truth is in there. Find out who the Edomites are. And, by the way, while you are there reading the entire Holy Bible ask yourself who the Israelites are and where they are today. Hint: there are vast differences between an Israeli and an Israelite!

Putin’s Response to Turkey

Putin’s response to Turkey is measured and his start by passing laws making the “Denial of the Armenian Holocaust” against the law is a great start. It’s about time Turkey and the Muslims were held responsible for their genocide of 1.5 Million Armenian Christians.

By the way, those were not mere “Christians” like America’s “Zionist Christians” but were real Bible reading Bible believing Christians who knew the truth that is in the Bible. In contrast, the vast bulk of American Christians have never read the Bible and remains ignorant to who they really are and their real heritage.

The Armenian Genocide was terrible and people today need to read the accounts. Because the Muslims were programmed to launch their vicious attacks then at the end of the specified period or day, the Muslims completely changed their demeanor and became loving and kind towards their Armenian Christian victims!

It was as if the Muslims were schizophrenic! This shows the danger when Muslims are present in any society in significant numbers. They are dangerous and cannot be trusted!

The accounts show that the Muslims were “mind controlled” and programmed. At the sound of a trumpet the Muslims would begin attacking the Armenian Christians. Then almost mysteriously at the sound of another trumpet the Muslims would change demeanors completely and begin attending to the wounds they had just inflicted mercilessly upon the Armenians!

There are accounts of attacks planned days in advance. The Muslims turned upon their minority Armenian Christian neighbors and attacked them viciously. Then at the appointed time they stopped their attacks and acted as if nothing had happened!

Putin needs one more measured response: He needs to go after the son, Belial, who runs the smuggling operations for ISIS which includes the reselling of ISIS crude oil, the smuggling of people and weapons and the funding of ISIS. Putin needs to pursue the son and kill him and his associates.

Belial Erdogan, the son of Turkey’s President needs to be brought to justice. In this case, justice must be terminal. It would be preferable to charge Belial Erdogan and try him for his crimes which lead up to an include the (wrongful) downing of that Russian Sukhoi Su-24 bomber and the murdering of its crew and the baiting of that rescue helicopter.


THE WEAPON OF CHOICE is a 12 GUAGE MAGNUM SHOTGUN with a Full Choke and 00 BUCKSHOT against intruders, assailants, crowds and all except POLICE and Armored Targets use the Heaviest Hardest Hitting SLUGS you can find. Use “cut shotgun shells” if necessary.

EVERY COP KNOWS IF HE GETS HIT WITH a 12 GUAGE SHOTGUN SLUG HE IS GOING DOWN! The concussion alone is going to kill him.

Now, I AM NOT ADVOCATING SHOOTING POLICE but if Obama thinks he is going to round up gun owners or even attempt to confiscate guns and ammunition, WE MUST DEFEND because THAT WILL THE ONLY CHANCE WE WILL TO FIGHT BACK.

Remember: The JEWS DID THIS! Their bankers in particular and their MEDIA!

Iran Already has Nuclear Weapons!

Iran already has nuclear weapons and has had them for years.  While they did not make their own nuclear bomb, Iran possesses small tactical nukes made in America!  And most likely has several of the suit case nukes made in the former Soviet Union.

What is interesting is how Iran got the bomb.

Iran acquired nukes from the United States the same way North Korea got its nukes!  They bought our W-57 series tactical nuke from Israel!

President George Herbert Bush illegally transferred these baby nukes from our arsenal to Israel who in turn marketed and sold them to other nations.

Remember when North Korea first tested their first nuke? It was an utter failure. Why? Because they were sold the original smaller W-57 series that had a short shelf life. It was discovered later than when the mass of the nuclear material was increased approximately 20% the warheads became more stable, their shelf life and usability increased and those old weapons made in the 1950’s will still detonate–as we learned by experience on September 11.