Tag Archives: communist democracy

The Day of Atonement 2015

This is my first time celebrating the Day of Atonement as commanded in the Bible.  Jesus Christ is our atonement and this day was commanded long ago as a high holy day to be celebrated forever.

Indeed, I have failed to celebrate this day in my ignorance.  There are seven high holy days commanded in the Old Testament and we are to observe them forever (Leviticus 23).

We are not to work on this day.  Also, there is a fast.  We are to observe this day from evening sunset to evening sunset.  We are commended to gather today as a community and celebrate the Day of Atonement.

Of course, our nation and our people have drifted so far from God that correction has become impossible.  Folks in their ignorance do not realize that America has ended.  We are no longer a nation of free people.  Indeed, we observe the vestiges of a once free people and we enjoy the trappings but the United States has turned on its people long ago.

God will not give a people who murder their children, His children, a leader who will save them.  There is no recovery from the current descent.

If we would merely acknowledge God exists, stop abortion, read our Bibles, the entire Bible and not merely the New Testament, there might be hope.  But America will not repent.  Our people will continue in their ignorance and their narcissism.  They will continue to worship the human mind and human reason but will not return to the God who can save them.  It is all over.

Americans today have lost their compass, their values and the foundations of the nation are destroyed!  We have substituted a communist democracy for a representative republic and people are so dumb they don’t know the difference!