No matter how I look at it, we are totally screwed and we, the USA, will be destroyed. The “Jews” (and they are NOT Jews per Jesus in Revelations 2:9, 3:9) have told us what they were doing to US and we let them do it!
Now, we have a man we did NOT elect in office. Yes, we elected Trump but THAT is not the same man!
Trump and his family have been threatened and Trump and his family are being held hostage! The look of fear on the faces in that family tell everything. They are petrified. They know Donald’s life is on the line and so are theirs.
The moment we lost General Flynn it was over. And when his replacement McMaster opened his mouth I knew the deal was sealed!
General Michael T. Flynn was set up and knocked off by the Obama Administration. And once I heard the new National Security Advisor say that ‘the words “radical Islam” do no one any good,’ I knew we were screwed! The enemy had forced this jackass off on Trump as the new National Security Advisor!
As a result of his ego, the enemy got to Trump and manipulated Trump into doing their bidding. Trump has flaws. Hell, we’ve all got flaws, but this time it might have cost US all! With our very lives!
The fact is WE ARE THE PROBLEM. Not the Jews. Not the Muslims even though THOSE TWO ARE WORKING TOGETHER. The problem is us! We turned our backs on God and failed to read our Bibles and we allowed ourselves to be deceived and to become deceivers–just like all of our pastors in the government 501(c)3 churches!