Tag Archives: professional practise of psychology

The Kent Test for Sociopathy

Originally, I submitted what I called “The Kent Rule Out for Sociopathy” to a professional journal for publication so long ago that I forgot about it.  That international journal to which I submitted my article never responded.  That must have been sometime between 2005 and 2008.  Enough time has lapsed that I know it will not be published, especially not by that particular journal.

Still, with sociopaths coming ever more to light, such as Jodi Arias, the public needs to have access to my simple test in order to protect itself and defend against the many sociopaths running freely in America.  Martha Stout (2006) estimated that one out of every 25 Americans was a sociopath.  However, I believe the number is far greater than 1:25.  I suspect that as our culture deteriorates, the percentage of sociopaths is increasing above the baseline of 4% established by Psychologist Martha Stout in her seminal work “The Sociopath Next Door.”

Considering that Japan, a country that is virtually homogeneous, experiences a rate of sociopathy of merely 1.5% to 1.7% compared to our rate of 4% in America, we may conclude that “multi-culturalism” and “embracing diversity” are resulting in increasing numbers of sociopaths in our midst!  When a society is heterogeneous, people of diverse value systems do not know readily how to act or what is expected of them in the “Social Contract.”

These problems are compounded as we mix people of different ethic backgrounds and cultures.  In short, we disintegrate as a society.  This practise of mixing peoples and relocating peoples can be traced to the early days of Israel and Judah.  Once the Jews experienced this warfare tactic of the Assyrians and then the Babylonians, the Jews adopted the practises of their antagonists wholesale.

Today, we in America have been given a Jewish policy, literally.  This was brought to my attention listening to a chapter David Duke made available from his book “My Great Awakening” as a free audio file on the Internet.  I strongly encourage listening to that free audio file Dr. Duke has made available freely.

I urge stopping all government policies of forced association also known as forced integration upon the free people of America.  If we are truly free, then we should be free to associate or not associate as we choose.

The clue to a test for sociopathy came to me from my reading of the Bible, at the time the New International Version; however, I find the King James Version to be far more accurate, and the NIV is not merely a translation into modern English but it is a radically different book.  The NIV is not nearly as accurate as the KJV.  Hence, I now use a parallel translation with the KJV and the NIV side by side.

Jeremiah often mentioned the “brazen look” of a prostitute and a face like “flint.”  The prophet wrote about the people being “stiff necked,” i.e. rigid.  In my philosophy of psychology, rigidity is a haul mark of mental illness.  When a person lacks the flexibility to respond to stimuli is a manner that is functional, then one may be regarded as disordered or mentally ill.  In my mode of treatment, I worked with my client to achieve mental flexibility and behavioral flexibility.  “Positive Projective Psychology” is all about growth and development; it is not about fixed, rigid mental illnesses which in themselves are terrible fates to project upon an unsuspecting public!  Indeed, such “Negative Projection” is what passes for psychological treatment today.  The professional practise of psychology today is truly impoverished!

Jeremiah wrote that his subjects were not ashamed; moreover, they lacked the ability to blush.  That was my tip.  Blushing, like being tickled, is not something that one can readily fake.  One can not tickle oneself and one most likely can not induce a blush voluntarily as these are functions that are not under the (direct) control of the person.  [Note to graduate students of psychology:  There are several hypotheses which need testing and would provide for significant doctoral dissertations.]

My assumption is that as one can not tickle one’s self, one is unable to make one’s self blush.  With this in mind, I asked several of my clients in prison questions.  At the time I was working in Maximum Security in the newest SuperMax in the country at SMU II (Special Management Unit II) at the Arizona Prison Complex–Eyman a few miles south of Florence.

I would ask my inmate client about his estimation of the percentage of super predators we call sociopaths in prison.  These were men with intimate experience and being able to recognize the sociopath among them, since they are in direct contact with so many dangerous inmates, can be a matter of survival.  Almost all of the inmates I interviewed at random answered correctly according to Dr. Stout’s statistics that 20% of the inmate population were sociopaths.

Then, clinically, I would ask something or say something that would be naturally embarrassing for the average man.  If that inmate blushed, I concluded he was NOT a sociopath.  Generally speaking, inmates who could not blush often were sociopaths from my observations.  And this inability to blush was also true for the sociopath I tried to marry; she was unable to blush.

That is it.  That is it in a nutshell.  If you want to find out if the person you are dealing with is a sociopath, see of they can blush.  If they are not able to blush, they may be a sociopath.  If they blush, they are not a sociopath but may be narcissistic or anti-social personality disordered.  They may still represent a danger to you, however.