Tag Archives: the end game

My Impressions on Ebola

First, this is not a mere “outbreak” but an “attack” on the United States.  Things are not always what they appear to be and Americans either do not want to believe the truth and are in denial of the dire reality or Americans overall are just too stupid to be able to process and understand the data.

Second, it appears to be caused by Red Cross injections in Africa.

Third, it appears that others can catch it from the initial person who develops Ebola after they were injected with that infectious agent.

Fourth, and I hope & pray this is true, it seems that those in this third tier of Ebola victims who acquire it third in line are better able to recover and cope than are the initially injected victim and those they infect, the secondary targets. This may mean that the weapon has a limited half-life and that the average person builds anti-bodies to Ebola rather fast and effectively.

I really don’t know, but this article I have linked to is well worth reading;
