Alexander Hamilton preferred to go by the name “Alex” and he signed his name “Alex Hamilton.” His mother was Rachael Fawcett Lavine of the British West Indies. Key features were his Jewish ancestry through his mother and his high energy.
Alex Lavine
Due to his parent’s legal status (his mother being married to another man than his father) his last name was Lavine. Again, one must not overlook his Jewish ancestry which is considered matriarchal–inherited via the mother.
Hamilton was a Rothschild Agent.
While it appeared Hamilton was a financial wizard and a banking genius, in all likelihood Hamilton was a Rothschild agent and his 20 year experiment in central banking ended in 1811. The very next year the Rothschild’s gave America the War of 1812.
Hence, all wars are bankers’ wars.
All Wars are Bankers’ Wars
Getting America into the War of 1812 required the help of the BAR association (British Accreditation Regency) and their BAR attorneys. Because of the Bar associations’ help in getting America into (causing) the War of 1812, the 13th Amendment was proposed and ratified only to be ignored the next year on March 4, 1813 when the Congress sat the BAR attorneys in violation of the 13th Amendment!
March 4, 1813 Congress Violated the 13th Amendment
Much later, President Lincoln overwrote the 13th Amendment with his anti-slavery amendment because “Honest Abe” knew the 13th Amendment banned him from the Presidency–Abraham Lincoln held the office illegally!
BAR association attorneys banned from positions of emolument
To this day the 13th Amendment banning BAR association attorneys from positions of emolument is the law of the land. In order for America to restore her Republic BAR association attorneys (loyal to the king of England) need to be kicked off the continent!
Abraham Lincoln was our First Jewish President.
Abraham Lincoln was another name changer; moreover, “Honest Abe” was the grandson of a Rothschild! His father was A. A. Springs of Alabama. Springs was short for Springsteen–another name changer! Abraham Lincoln was our First Jewish President. We know this because A.A. Springs of Alabama left his son his estate in northwest Alabama and named Abraham Lincoln in in his Will.