The day Mark Zuckerberg dies people around the world are going to celebrate, especially in America. Why? Because an era of tyranny will have ended.
Tyranny by government sponsored corporation will be over. The CEO of Facebook had better get over himself. “Zuckface” needs to come to grips that people are fed up with his tyranny and suppression of free speech.
Now, I am not advocating any harm or any action be taken proactively against the infamous “Data” of American corporations but I am pointing out the obvious. “Zuckface” and his company hide behind the platitude “violation of community standards” while he and his ilk are actively destroying communities across the planet!
That’s right, “Zuckface” and Facebook and every Zionist or Edomite controlled facet of the government of the United States of America, which is ALL OF THEM, are doing their best to dissemble the once great country and mighty culture which rescued the kikes from their fake “Holocaust!”
We liberated them, the Jews, at what price?
At the full cost of everything we hold dear!
How could we go so wrong?
Quite simply, we put our Bibles down and allowed the Jews and their minions to preach to us what was NOT in the Bible!
By failing to read our Bibles for ourselves and failing to educate ourselves, we have broken ranks with our Creator Father God and we have totally succumbed to the Devils!
Now the Devil and his children run not merely our country but the entire world. Well, almost.
Facebook was created by our own government and funded by our government. Hence, it is NOT a “private corporation” but a public entity, a public utility. “Zuckface” and his minions have absolutely no right in censoring any or us. They have no authority to censor any one!
We have become too dependent upon Facebook to allow this tyranny. I help people but I am forestalled when folks can no longer reach out to me. Actually, when I can no longer reply to their pleas.
Allow me to clarify things. First, not all Jews and not every Jew is bad. There are bad people in any group. But the Edomites also known in the Bible as Idumeans are a special group. Second, the bias and hatred espoused on Facebook is so obvious that people have had it with the Facebook CEO and corporation.
Ultimately, when Facebook fails or a bomb goes off in Facebook’s headquarters, people are going to cheer in significant numbers–that is how hated Facebook and Facebook’s “community standards” are!
Finally, I am not advocating for bombing Facebook or some sort of mass shooting. What I am advocating is making Facebook totally neutral and allowing free speech. And, I want Mark Zuckerberg fired!
Hey, Mark, I am firing this one shot for freedom. And I am wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. My grandmothers and grandfathers created this country and you are not going to destroy it. Get your Edomite ass out or we will burn you out–just like prophesized in the Bible in The Book of Obadiah!
A real “holocaust” like your people did to Dresden and Nagasaki–not a fake one like the myth of 6,000,000 Jews you and your people foisted off on us–the HOLOHAUX. By the way, carbon caused Global Warming is a hoax and you know it. We are in the first of two Grand Solar Minimums back to back.
In contrast to you, “Zuckface” and Facebook, my blog really is my own and I will write what I want. I am suffering from a touch of food poisoning and a lot of pain from a MVA last year. So, I am not exactly feeling charitable.
I suggest you find out what being an American means and what real tolerance is because if you don’t discover those soon, you will only have yourself to blame for your failure–trying to manipulate us. Perhaps I am expecting too much from a jackass who comes from a sociopathic culture–that’s what liberals are–tyrants and you know what they say about all tyrants.
Mark, I need your advice. I need a favor. Help me come up with a name for the holiday celebrating your passing? Something that rings of “freedom.”