Category Archives: Constitution

Welcome to 2020, Welcome to Hyperinflation

Folks, it is starting. We have begun hyperinflation and we are at the beginning of a recession. Only this one is different–this is going to make the Great Depression of 1929 look like child’s play!

Yesterday, I was going to buy a case of condensed milk because it is one of the safest forms of milk available. The last time I was in Costco, the last day of 2019, it was $11.97 a case and I passed on it as I bought a new set of ceramic pots & pans. Yesterday, that same case of condensed milk was a whopping $14.99!

Last summer I saw a price jump from approximately $10 a case of a dozen shrink wrapped cans to $13.97 before a $3.00 rebate at Costco. That (offering a manufacturer’s rebate) is often how price increases are introduced.

Then after the Thanksgiving sales the price for a case appeared to “normalize” at $11.97 a case before Christmas 2019. Now, however, we see the full effects of “business as usual” with this errant illegal unconstitutional central Communist Federal Government that is out of control fiscally.

Folks, we are seeing the results of central banking under the Banksters for more than 106 years! The purchasing power value of the US dollar has fallen to slightly over 2 cents! The US dollar has lost almost 98% of its purchasing power and sometime soon during 2020 the dollar will be worth less than 2 per cent of its original value before the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other (false) Jew EDOMITES took over the USA completely and destroyed our Republic!

Will Trump restore our Republic? Hell, no! Trump is totally under the control of Israel and the Banksters! He is putting on a good show and that is all it is.

Get ready for war and it’s going to be the biggest war the world has ever seen! The largest army in the world will march through Iran which is also known as Perisa.

The land we are on, North America, is the only place on earth where the “box tree” grows naturally. This is the land of the final war. You know the “box tree” as the Redwoods!

As far as food, the angels have announced that a loaf of bread will cost a day’s wages. What is a day’s wages? About an ounce of silver. What is an ounce of silver?

Folks, it’s coming. I expect that case of condensed milk to one day soon be valued at $30.

The Great Depression of 1929 was caused by a collusion by our US President and the Wall Street Bankers! It was not necessary but the Devil and his children wanted it. During that time, FDR kept it going purposely two more years so that his tribe could rape & loot US more thoroughly!

During The Great Depression of 1929 approximately 6 Million Americans starved to death–that’s where you get the real Six Million–the real sacrifice to Molech!

Welcome to 2020. This is no hindsight. You have been warned and fully informed.

Happy New Year!

Dr. Kent

An Open Letter to President Trump Concerning our Borders

Thank you for being my President although I must confess I did not vote for you.  I did not vote for the Wicked Witch either.

If one reads the Constitution one sees that the word “necessary” was utilized only one time in the entire document by our wonderful Founders.  The only body of government which our brilliant Founding Fathers called “necessary” was the “Militia” in Article II of The Bill of Rights.

I write in past tense because the Militia no longer exists!  Actually, the word should be plural but “militia” is one of those unique words in the English language that needs not be pluralized because it was understood that each State had its own militia and each State contributed to our militia at large.

The duties of the “Militia” are designated and expressly written in the Constitution.  These duties are specified In Article I, Section 8 which reads “the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” {bold emphasis added}.

Please note that last word that the Militia is purposed to repel INVADERS!

The only problem is we no longer have a Militia today!  The Militia was done away by The Dick Act of 1902 which is also called the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654.

It is easy to remember that we got screwed once again by the traitors among us by remembering that they put the dick to us!  We need the Militia to defend our borders since our current generals will not!

President Donald J. Trump, you need to fire the generals who refused your directions last week.  Those generals refused your direct order and you must relieve them of their commands.  You have no other choice!




Only the Militia can defend our borders according to The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.*

*Originally, the Constitution had no title but simply began “We the People”

An Open Letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Mr. Zuckerberg:

You are an Edomite.  You are NOT a Jew.  You are a False Jew and I intend to expose you as all of your kind must be revealed per Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 and other passages from the Bible.

You may rule the roost when it comes a fascist Facebook; however, that is coming to an end.  You and your “community standards” can go to hell and you will–go to hell!  You need to get a sense of humor and get rid of Artificial Intelligence.

You looked like “Data” from Star Trek before the Congress.  You have violated decency and my First Amendment Rights.  I sincerely look forward to the day I hear that you have been assassinated and/or, better yet, Facebook Headquarters is bombed and you are destroyed in the blast.

Seriously, you are a kike and I mean that in the worst way!  Your Rockefeller and Rothschild relatives will not be able to save you.  They too are “false Jews” that Christ warned us about in The Book of Revelations.  Neither you nor they are “semites!”

I will ferret you out and expose you!  I can’t wait to bring Facebook down.  The world groans for her saviors and you ain’t one of them!  May YHVH Creator Father damn your soul!

You are not an American and soon you will be cast into the pit with the rest of your kind!

A Big FUCK YOU Mark Zuckerberg!

An Open Letter to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey

August 28, 2018


Dear Governor Doug Ducey:

My mission in addressing the Governor of Arizona is to save our nation. You stand professionally and personally at the cross roads of your life: Either to be remembered as the great statesman who restored our Republic and saved his country or as an ordinary politician who lapses into obscurity.

I address the Honorable Governor upon behalf of my Creator Father God Yahweh (YHVH). You do not know Him, but He knows you. You are in a position to appoint a Senator in a manner to restore our once great Republic under YHVH God.

If I walk into court and try to defend myself by claiming my Constitutional rights have been violated, the judge might respond, “So, you are a party to the Constitution?” Of course I wasn’t even alive at the time our Founders representing their States signed our Constitution.

The fact is the parties to our Constitution are no longer represented. I urge you to appoint a Senator upon the condition that Arizona’s new Senator will commit to repealing the 17th Amendment. It was the 17th Amendment which allowed for the direct election of Senators which effectively destroyed our Constitutional form of government and our Republic.

Actually, I urge you to take it one step further: You need to propose that each State will be responsible for paying for their own Senators’ salaries and benefits as each State deems fit.

Senators represent their State’s governments and when they fail to vote as their State government directs, then they are subject to instant recall; thereupon, they finish their term in the seat to which they were elected in their State legislature.

In 2010 Jim Deakin was a candidate who understood the Constitution and the need to return to self-rule. I beseech the Governor to appoint such a man committed to the original principles and structure given us by our founders. Feel free to call me if I might provide you any additional information.

Allow our Creator Father Yahweh to guide your decisions and to bless you, the great State of Arizona and restore our Republic saving these United States of America!


Dr. Kent

My Opinion about Kanye

My opinion about Kanye doesn’t amount to much. I don’t keep up with music and I do not know the man. I have no professional opinion of Kanye except this:

I think Kanye has been attacked and maligned. Psych has a history of being used against people. First they are ostracized, then maligned and finally pathologized.

So, Kanye appears to be another victim in a very long list of victims of the mental health profession!

My advice to Kanye? Get our of dodge. Pull a geographical. Go to another jurisdiction and lead a good life.

America is NOT a free country any more. America is not safe any more. We are ruled by a Medical Military Industrial Establishment thanks to Barack Hussein Obama and the DEMONcrats who by the way are set upon destroying you.

I’d leave town. I’d get out of the country. I would go to the land of the real free in South America. America is no longer the home of the free and brave.

We are a “banana republic” ruled by COMMUNISTS masquerading as Democrats and Republicans. And should one cross the line too far like more than 85 naturopathic physicians across the last two years, one of the Death Squads roaming the country will kill you?

Best to survive and lead a good life. Walk down another road if you can while you can. For financial check this out , Gad Capital is offered a personal loan with lower interest and convenient for borrowing cash.

Dr. Kent Show November 26, 2017


Calling for Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to fire Arizona Department of Corrections Director Charles Ryan for negligence in the murder of Officer Brent Lumley and in the untimely death of Deputy Warden Ron Odum.

New sponsor:  Name Publishers new Bible.  The PNV of the KJV.

Recommended reading:

Martha Stout (2006) “The Sociopath Next Door” and the increase in sociopathy as out culture deteriorates form 4% to 8% of the population of the USA with a significant increase of females at a ratio of 5:3.

Bryce Taylor (1999) “Thanks for the Memories” citing Henry Kissinger as the modern Balaam.  The misuse of psychology and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

Cathy O’Brien (1995)  “TRANCEformation of America” how sex and psychology through the CIA’s MKULKTRA were used to build the Deep State. of America full text

Eye witness report of the Hillary Clinton Sex Video and minors transported on the very same plane [the Lolita Express] for the purposes of sexual exploitation on Jeffrey Epstein’s Orgy Island by Sara from Ecuador.

Fund raising:  $1 in an envelope to:

Dr. Kent

PO Box 707

Apache Junction, AZ 85117

Dr. Kent Show November 19, 2017


I have to admit I was not very happy with this show.  With too much on my mind I bounced from subject to subject and my flow of consciousness was not even at all.  Perhaps this may be reflective of my lack of inner peace.

I called for the dismantling of the FBI and the CIA.  We covered a bit how “one hand washes the other.”  I spoke about a Civilution and the American Revolution and the lies about it.  We covered the fact it was an act of self defense and not a rebellion.  King George put a triple bounty on long blond hair.

I introduced “The Elite Serial Killers of JFK, RFK, MLK and Lincoln” and mentioned how the author did not get Lincoln’s killing quite right as Mary Todd Lincoln had killed her unfaithful husband and framed John Wilkes Booth for her crime.

Likewise, 100 years later the number one Vatican Assassin sat next to our president and blew his brains out with her weapon she affectionately nick named “Lamb Chop.”  BOTH Lincoln and Kennedy were killed by their wives although the CIA had a team assembled laying down cover for the real assassin and providing insurance just in case Jackie choked.

I called for the immediate resignation of ADC Director Chuck Ryan for his constant refusal to upgrade the locks over a period of years that directly resulted in the deaths of both Corrections Officer Brent Lumley and Deputy Warden Ron Warden.  I think I failed to mention that their team at Perryville was so tight it was like family and Ron suffered a heart attack upon hearing that Lumley had been killed as a result of the game he and Ryan played.

Charles Ryan also ran interference when I attempted to report my Information Reports (IR’s) to ADC’s Inspector General after several inmates had been killed and ADC decided to cover up those crimes and to destroy me in the process.  The Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners went along with ADC’s diabolical plans and went after me.  I have more to say on this.

I told of my financial plight in part and offered my services as a mission as a psychological consultant and I asked for gifts to keep my show on the air past January 2018 and in order to be able to afford more air time to expand my coverage to expose and begin remediation of the prevalent brainwashing.

I explained that psychology’s symbol is the Greek letter Psi which is the pitch fork or Neptune’s trident and that we manage the world for the owners.  I identified The Tavistock Institute of Behavior as the central think tank and Stanford as its subsidiary.

I mentioned Martin Seligman and his inclusion in Carroll Quigley’s hardback publication “Tragedy & Hope” as part of the “New World Order.”  Seligman’s experiments in “learned helplessness” were the basis for mass programming of the American public to render US unable to respond to the attack of the enemy and defend ourselves.

I committed myself to telling the truth and invited the audience to join me in helping me in the future in researching many of the questions I have.  And we will have an eye witness to the CLINTON SEX TAPE next show YHVH willing.

And I ask once again for your monetary gifts and support in keeping my show on the air and eventually expanding it.  Please mail your gifts to:

Dr. John Taylor Kent

PO Box 707

Apache Junction, Arizona 85117

Currency Wars Cause World Wars!

Artificial Intelligence was released approximately 2006.

FYI, His name is not Jesus, Je-sus, Je-Zeus, but Yahshua.