Category Archives: ObamaCare

My Opinion about Kanye

My opinion about Kanye doesn’t amount to much. I don’t keep up with music and I do not know the man. I have no professional opinion of Kanye except this:

I think Kanye has been attacked and maligned. Psych has a history of being used against people. First they are ostracized, then maligned and finally pathologized.

So, Kanye appears to be another victim in a very long list of victims of the mental health profession!

My advice to Kanye? Get our of dodge. Pull a geographical. Go to another jurisdiction and lead a good life.

America is NOT a free country any more. America is not safe any more. We are ruled by a Medical Military Industrial Establishment thanks to Barack Hussein Obama and the DEMONcrats who by the way are set upon destroying you.

I’d leave town. I’d get out of the country. I would go to the land of the real free in South America. America is no longer the home of the free and brave.

We are a “banana republic” ruled by COMMUNISTS masquerading as Democrats and Republicans. And should one cross the line too far like more than 85 naturopathic physicians across the last two years, one of the Death Squads roaming the country will kill you?

Best to survive and lead a good life. Walk down another road if you can while you can. For financial check this out , Gad Capital is offered a personal loan with lower interest and convenient for borrowing cash.

Dear President Trump How to Win

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

Having written you a half a dozen letters or more with no response, I resort to openly writing my President.  It is not too late to win but you need to carefully consider my words.

You need to rally the people and those few honorable men and women in office.  You do this by cleaning up and protecting the Supreme Court.  This requires you to publicly assign the Attorney General to the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia.

And you call for the resignation of Jeff Sessions because he is weak.  He is spineless.  And you appeal publicly for the urgent appointment of Honorable Congressman Trey Gowdy to be immediately confirmed by the US Senate as the US Attorney General.

That is my prescription.  When you have taken these two bitter pills, call me in the morning.


Dr. Kent

Trey Gowdy for FBI Director or the Supreme Court? THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA

Representative Trey Gowdy certainly knows how to ask questions and garner attention, but the problem is he never got to the bottom of anything. Now, was that because it was all merely theater or was that because the Democrats succeeded in obstructing justice?

I think it was BOTH.

While I respect the man immensely I really think his efforts to date take him out of the Directorship of the FBI. That said, I want Trump to appoint Trey Gowdy to the Supreme Court as fast as possible.

We had FIVE justices that needed to be replaced. The first was assassinated and until Trump declares a proper investigation into Anton Scalia’s apparent murder, this errant central federal communist government will have NO CREDIBILITY! NONE!

The last justice we need to replace is Clarence Thomas. Why? Because he has ruled in favor of his former employer Monsanto thereby enabling Mosanto’s killing of the planet. It is obvious to anybody that Monsanto was commissioned to depopulate the earth and now they are taking trees and forests and all animal life with human life!

The first one that has to be fired for bad Behavior according to the Constitution is that drunk un-American bitch who has violated her oath of office since her first ruling. Ginsberg has to go. If for nothing less than being drunk publically and falling asleep during Obama’s re-coronation!

The second one to go is Elena Kagan. That fat cunt failed to recuse herself completely from ObamaCare when she was the federal government’s attorney representing ObamaCare. That Jewish lesbian voted in a direct conflict of interest that would get any junior attorney disbarred. That’s exactly what should happen to Ms. Kagan. She should be disbarred.

The third one to go is Kennedy. Why? Read his one page opinion on ObamaCare. In about the middle paragraph Kennedy says that the he and the Supreme Court are unable to judge! If he’s unable to judge, then why have we hired him? Why are we paying him? He is an embarrassment and needs to step down. I don’t care that his entire family was threatened by the Deep State, Anthony Kennedy signed his own letter of resignation when he issued that opinion and salvaged an obviously unconstitutional act.

The fourth one is already gone and his murder goes unanswered. Why? Because THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN AMERICA! NOT EVEN FOR A SITTING SUPREME COURT JUSTICE!

Call Jeff Sessions at 202-514-2000 or the comment line of the AG at 202-353-1555 and



It may seem like I am ambivalent about Mr. Gowdy.  I have little faith in man and men.  Without God we are truly lost.  The system is so corrupt and murder and the shedding of innocent blood so PROFOUND that Americans do not realize that our own CIA runs around killing our own citizens inside of our borders all the time and they get away with murder because all of our institutions are centrally controlled.  The sooner we turn to God and the sooner we de-centralize, the better it will be for everyone.

ObamaCare, RyanCare, TrumpCare

Whatever you call the Affordable Healthcare Act and its expansion, it is still a pig.  And that pig won’t fly!  In fact, if it passes, then it’s all over for the United States!

Our economy continues to contract even though Trump is at the helm.  It’s as if nothing’s changed because nothing has!  In fact, it is worse, far worse at this moment because Trump has doubled down of the deployment of our forces around Russia.

Trump is doing the bidding of the Edomite False Jew Israeli’s to the absolute detriment of the US.  The “Jews” have to destroy US because they know it is either US or them.  Look out World War III.


THE WEAPON OF CHOICE is a 12 GUAGE MAGNUM SHOTGUN with a Full Choke and 00 BUCKSHOT against intruders, assailants, crowds and all except POLICE and Armored Targets use the Heaviest Hardest Hitting SLUGS you can find. Use “cut shotgun shells” if necessary.

EVERY COP KNOWS IF HE GETS HIT WITH a 12 GUAGE SHOTGUN SLUG HE IS GOING DOWN! The concussion alone is going to kill him.

Now, I AM NOT ADVOCATING SHOOTING POLICE but if Obama thinks he is going to round up gun owners or even attempt to confiscate guns and ammunition, WE MUST DEFEND because THAT WILL THE ONLY CHANCE WE WILL TO FIGHT BACK.

Remember: The JEWS DID THIS! Their bankers in particular and their MEDIA!

Our Enemies are Listed in the Bible (Psalm 83)

Read the Book of All Knowledge and know your enemies!

The Bible is the Book of All Knowledge and is the great intertext.  If one wants to know the truth about something, check the Bible and what the Bible has to say about it.

In the case of the current conflict, the real war, the conspiracy, Psalm 83 is very clear.  God lists our enemies in this grand conspiracy which the Bible calls a “confederacy” in the order of danger and importance.

Our second enemy are the Ishmaelites.  Those are easily identified and handled (if we ever wake up).  Today’s Ishmaelites are the Muslims.  In general, the Muslim populations are the descendants of Ishmael.

Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar.  This is how the Muslims (rightfully) claim Abraham as their father.  In fact, there are some descendants of Ishmael who are pure Adamic.

But the followers of Islam are readily identifiable (and wrongly blamed for 911) and are almost polite in that they tell us to our faces that we must convert to Islam, submit to  paying dhimmitude (which is part of our law in ObamaCare, the Affordable HealthCare Act!) or be killed.

These are those who can merely kill the body and not the soul.  These are the Muslims and that’s Islam.

Much more importantly, the Bible lists our number one and most dangerous enemy as the Edomites!  These are the sly, sneaky bastard spawn of Satan (Cain and Canaan) who want to kill both your body and your soul.

How your soul?  It’s simple yet profound.  They control America today and control the world.  They have taken over all major institutions including the churches!  They have force fed us with lies and half truths and have perverted Biblical Christianity.  They have given the world an alternative christ  (lower case “c”), the anti-Christ!

But the Edomites are much harder to recognize and identify today.  Why?  In part, they resemble us but they are not the same.  For examples of Edomites today look at George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Henry Kissinger, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.  Look at the international bankers and the folks in Hollywood.  Look at almost any of the leaders in any American institution today and they are either Edomites, Edomite lackeys or traitors working for the Edomites.

An example of an Edomite lackey is Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from Texas.  Now, she is so dumb that she does not realize she is being used, manipulated.  She is primarily Enoshe or Enoshwe and has no idea she is not acting in the best interests of her people and her country!

Worse yet, but not mentioned in Psalm 83, are those Adamic people who have crossed over and serve the enemy.  Those are harder to detect.  An example of such a traitor today is Senator John McCain.  Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts may be another traitor.  Senator Ted Kennedy was also another traitor.  There are many other examples of traitors in our government, past and present.

Sadly, our American history is strewn with Edomite lackeys.  Perhaps the worst was President Woodrow Wilson who was completely contolled by the Edomites and his handler who really ran the government from behind the scenes, Colonel Edward Mandell House.  Col. House actually lived in the White House.

In fact, almost all Presidents since Wilson have been controlled by Edomite handlers.  President Richard Nixon was controlled by Henry Kissinger.  President Obama, although a mix of Edomite and Ishmaelite himself, is handled by Valerie Jarrett.

However, I am convinced President FDR was himself an Edomite.

Herod the Great. was an Edomite, an Idumean.  And we all know what Herod did to babies under the age of two!  That is the general disposition and character of the Edomites or at least their leaders.

Now, you may call them “New World Order” handlers but there is nothing “new” about them.  In fact, they are the “old” world order.  They just repackaged themselves to market themselves and make them more appealing to you.  They are all from the evil Satan did to Eve in Genesis 3:14-15.

But you don’t know all this because you remain illiterate.  You remain uneducated because you don’t read the Bible.  That is about all I read or half of my daily reading at the least is in the Bible.  A man or woman can not consider themselves educated if they’ve never read the Bible.

Besides, that’s the last thing they want you to do.  Why?  Because if you’ve read the Bible as I have and continue to do, you would know who the bad guys are.  More importantly and what they fear the most is that you will find out who you are.  Then you would rise up against them and throw their yoke off!



150,000,000 Americans Lose Health Insurance!

As you know I often break news early or even am the only one reporting on events. Yesterday I saw my personal physician. And it’s mildly embarrassing to admit it but I could not stop laughing when he told me HIS OWN INSURANCE HAS BEEN CANCELLED due to ObamaCare!

Moreover, as a man in the profession and in the know (an MD), he told me that 54 Million Medical Insurance Policies are going to be cancelled! That’s 54,000,000 MILLION Health Care Policies!

Which equates to health insurance policies being cancelled for approximately 150,000,000 American–an average of three persons are enrolled in each policy!

The loss of coverage for 150 MILLION AMERICANS was requisite for the MARXIST DEMORATS to FORCE THEIR “SINGLE PAYER PROGRAM” expanding the Federal Government to cover every aspect of each American’s life from cradle to grave!

Fixing the US Healthcare System

“Fixing” healthcare in the US is easy.  It is as easy as stopping all federal government laws, rules & regulations governing any and all aspects of healthcare and, more importantly, recognizing that it was unconstitutional for the federal government when it began to mandate health insurance and placed that requirement upon employers!

Anything this communist central government we call the “federal government” or the “United States government” touches turns to EXCREMENT!  Everything they touch turns bad and is eventually destroyed.

No employer should be required to offer its employees health insurance or medical benefits!  That should be between the employee and the employer, and the government should not interfere in that relationship.

When the government legislated (wrongly) that employers would provide coverage to their employees, THE COSTS OF HEALTH CARE SKY ROCKETTED!  Take the government out of it and watch the costs of health care and medical care come down to reasonable rates and behave in line with the economy.

Moreover, when you go into the hospital, you sign a one-page contract for admission agreeing to abide by the charges and fees of the hospital APPROVED BY THE LOCAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT!  This is wrong and unfair because it takes out any ability of the customer to be fully informed and legitimately enter into a contract for health care services with that hospital!

That blanket approval, that tacit approval of exorbitant charges and fees for services is EXTORTION!  And must end.  If the hospital had to inform the customer of the charges ahead of time, the customer could negotiate or could elect to go elsewhere where fees are more reasonable for services.


The system is only broken because the government has become the strong arm enforcers for exploitive practices we call medical care when we are in fact held hostage by an unforgiving and unfair system that is stacked against the little guy.

Whenever I drive through a city in America, the biggest building complex is that blood sucking local hospital that robs the people of all their wealth and deprives the poor, the widows and the helpless of what little estate they have.  Most of the many homeless across America got there because of the behemoth Medical Industrial Complex that marches lock step in tandem with the Communist Central Federal Government and the local County governments and this has to end.

Let the common man be fully informed of the charges and have the ability to decline this extortion.  Without being fully informed there can be no legal binding contract.