Read the Book of All Knowledge and know your enemies!
The Bible is the Book of All Knowledge and is the great intertext. If one wants to know the truth about something, check the Bible and what the Bible has to say about it.
In the case of the current conflict, the real war, the conspiracy, Psalm 83 is very clear. God lists our enemies in this grand conspiracy which the Bible calls a “confederacy” in the order of danger and importance.
Our second enemy are the Ishmaelites. Those are easily identified and handled (if we ever wake up). Today’s Ishmaelites are the Muslims. In general, the Muslim populations are the descendants of Ishmael.
Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar. This is how the Muslims (rightfully) claim Abraham as their father. In fact, there are some descendants of Ishmael who are pure Adamic.
But the followers of Islam are readily identifiable (and wrongly blamed for 911) and are almost polite in that they tell us to our faces that we must convert to Islam, submit to paying dhimmitude (which is part of our law in ObamaCare, the Affordable HealthCare Act!) or be killed.
These are those who can merely kill the body and not the soul. These are the Muslims and that’s Islam.
Much more importantly, the Bible lists our number one and most dangerous enemy as the Edomites! These are the sly, sneaky bastard spawn of Satan (Cain and Canaan) who want to kill both your body and your soul.
How your soul? It’s simple yet profound. They control America today and control the world. They have taken over all major institutions including the churches! They have force fed us with lies and half truths and have perverted Biblical Christianity. They have given the world an alternative christ (lower case “c”), the anti-Christ!
But the Edomites are much harder to recognize and identify today. Why? In part, they resemble us but they are not the same. For examples of Edomites today look at George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Henry Kissinger, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Look at the international bankers and the folks in Hollywood. Look at almost any of the leaders in any American institution today and they are either Edomites, Edomite lackeys or traitors working for the Edomites.
An example of an Edomite lackey is Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee from Texas. Now, she is so dumb that she does not realize she is being used, manipulated. She is primarily Enoshe or Enoshwe and has no idea she is not acting in the best interests of her people and her country!
Worse yet, but not mentioned in Psalm 83, are those Adamic people who have crossed over and serve the enemy. Those are harder to detect. An example of such a traitor today is Senator John McCain. Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts may be another traitor. Senator Ted Kennedy was also another traitor. There are many other examples of traitors in our government, past and present.
Sadly, our American history is strewn with Edomite lackeys. Perhaps the worst was President Woodrow Wilson who was completely contolled by the Edomites and his handler who really ran the government from behind the scenes, Colonel Edward Mandell House. Col. House actually lived in the White House.
In fact, almost all Presidents since Wilson have been controlled by Edomite handlers. President Richard Nixon was controlled by Henry Kissinger. President Obama, although a mix of Edomite and Ishmaelite himself, is handled by Valerie Jarrett.
However, I am convinced President FDR was himself an Edomite.
Herod the Great. was an Edomite, an Idumean. And we all know what Herod did to babies under the age of two! That is the general disposition and character of the Edomites or at least their leaders.
Now, you may call them “New World Order” handlers but there is nothing “new” about them. In fact, they are the “old” world order. They just repackaged themselves to market themselves and make them more appealing to you. They are all from the evil Satan did to Eve in Genesis 3:14-15.
But you don’t know all this because you remain illiterate. You remain uneducated because you don’t read the Bible. That is about all I read or half of my daily reading at the least is in the Bible. A man or woman can not consider themselves educated if they’ve never read the Bible.
Besides, that’s the last thing they want you to do. Why? Because if you’ve read the Bible as I have and continue to do, you would know who the bad guys are. More importantly and what they fear the most is that you will find out who you are. Then you would rise up against them and throw their yoke off!