Category Archives: These United States of America

Is it Time to Bomb China?

Yes, it is!

The ChiComs have assaulted and waged war. The Chinese Communist Party has been waging BIOLOGICAL WARFARE and Unlimited Warfare by meddling in our elections AND undermining our nation ever since Nixon & Kissinger opened the doors to trading with the enemy!

Should we fail to respond soon and fully, we run the risk of CIVIL WAR and a SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Perhaps those are good ideas. For more than a century the electorate has NOT been in control of this errant government. This errant illegal government by the (false) Jews has been misusing American might & power to wage illegal wars across the world!

It really it time to pull the plug on all of the Israeli Dual Citizens stripping them of any & all citizenship in these United States of America and deporting them immediately to that illegal nation they created after stealing it from the Arabs! Send them home to “Israel” which really should be called “Rothschildland” or the “New Khazaria” or, what it really is, “Edom!”

Edom has infiltrated all western & eastern governments and holds the power across the entire globe! Edom is the “New World Order” which is not “new” at all! It is the Old World Order owned and run by the Devil & his children! It’s time to declare the Kingdom of Heaven of Creator Father YHVH Upon the Earth!


Welcome to 2020, Welcome to Hyperinflation

Folks, it is starting. We have begun hyperinflation and we are at the beginning of a recession. Only this one is different–this is going to make the Great Depression of 1929 look like child’s play!

Yesterday, I was going to buy a case of condensed milk because it is one of the safest forms of milk available. The last time I was in Costco, the last day of 2019, it was $11.97 a case and I passed on it as I bought a new set of ceramic pots & pans. Yesterday, that same case of condensed milk was a whopping $14.99!

Last summer I saw a price jump from approximately $10 a case of a dozen shrink wrapped cans to $13.97 before a $3.00 rebate at Costco. That (offering a manufacturer’s rebate) is often how price increases are introduced.

Then after the Thanksgiving sales the price for a case appeared to “normalize” at $11.97 a case before Christmas 2019. Now, however, we see the full effects of “business as usual” with this errant illegal unconstitutional central Communist Federal Government that is out of control fiscally.

Folks, we are seeing the results of central banking under the Banksters for more than 106 years! The purchasing power value of the US dollar has fallen to slightly over 2 cents! The US dollar has lost almost 98% of its purchasing power and sometime soon during 2020 the dollar will be worth less than 2 per cent of its original value before the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other (false) Jew EDOMITES took over the USA completely and destroyed our Republic!

Will Trump restore our Republic? Hell, no! Trump is totally under the control of Israel and the Banksters! He is putting on a good show and that is all it is.

Get ready for war and it’s going to be the biggest war the world has ever seen! The largest army in the world will march through Iran which is also known as Perisa.

The land we are on, North America, is the only place on earth where the “box tree” grows naturally. This is the land of the final war. You know the “box tree” as the Redwoods!

As far as food, the angels have announced that a loaf of bread will cost a day’s wages. What is a day’s wages? About an ounce of silver. What is an ounce of silver?

Folks, it’s coming. I expect that case of condensed milk to one day soon be valued at $30.

The Great Depression of 1929 was caused by a collusion by our US President and the Wall Street Bankers! It was not necessary but the Devil and his children wanted it. During that time, FDR kept it going purposely two more years so that his tribe could rape & loot US more thoroughly!

During The Great Depression of 1929 approximately 6 Million Americans starved to death–that’s where you get the real Six Million–the real sacrifice to Molech!

Welcome to 2020. This is no hindsight. You have been warned and fully informed.

Happy New Year!

Dr. Kent


We need a THIRD TERM for the following reasons:

Number One

Due to the obstruction of the Communist Democratic Party and the Deep State, we have been fully deprived of President Trump and President Trump’s policies for his entire first term to date. And we need a THIRD TERM to make up for this treasonous interference. Besides, it will take at least four years to prosecute their Treason and their High Crimes.

Number Two

In order to RESTORE OUR REPUBLIC we need to roll back the Treasonous Error of President Abraham Lincoln. Indeed, the Congress on March 3, 1813* violated the newly fully ratified Original 13th Amendment when they sat attorneys in clear violation of the new 13th Amendment which was ratified to preserve the “separation of powers” and to prevent wars such as the War of 1812 which attorneys caused!

When we restore the Original 13th Amendment (which barred Lawyer Abraham Lincoln from the office of the Presidency) all subsequent Amendments must be challenged on the grounds that the 14th & 15th Amendments were illegally ratified as the south States were NOT represented, and on the grounds that all subsequent Amendments are OUT OF ORDER and hence NULL AND VOID.

Then we can have more that two terms for President Trump and we can restore the Senate to its original Constitutional intent of representing the State Governments’; thereby, restoring the Republic.

While we are at it (Restoring the Republic) we can take away all pay & benefits for the Congress and return to a simple per diem for each day served with no missed votes!


*I am relying upon memory and may have the day wrong. The fact is both the States of Virginia and New Hampshire adopted the Original 13th Amendment which gave it one more vote than it needed to be passed. The fact is copies of the Constitution were found with the 13th Amendment indicating that it had been ratified in the State Capital in New Hampshire.

Another fact is that people have been saying the minutes of the State of Virginia need to be consulted in order to verify that the State of Virginia adopted the 13th Amendment. But the hand written notes of that session of the State of Virginia remain under lock and key in England because the British seized those notes!

It is time Britain returned our property because failure to do so is an Act of War!

So Much for Chevy GMC General Motors

After years of consideration and planning I was somewhat disappointed when I ended up with Ford and Honda instead of Chevrolet or GMC.  But after the CEO of GMC turned her back on the USA  by abandoning Ohio and Detroit, I am glad I am not driving a Chevrolet or GMC product!

Sure I was hoping for an upgraded Denali GMC product but was happily focusing on a much more practical Chevrolet pickup to haul a 5th wheel home on wheels but I lucked into a Class A Motorhome built in the USA on a great domestic platform.  It’s an old Ford but one of the better ones.

I am tired of Chevy and their start.  Chevy began after Edomites tried to buy then take over Ford.  Henry would have nothing to do with them and he did his best to protect the rest of us and warn us of this great evil in our midst.  But we failed to listen to Henry Ford’s warnings about the “international Jew.”

The real book with the real warnings about these international Jews is of course the Bible.  The entire Bible tells us and warns us about those who say they are Jews and are not (Revelations 2:9, 3:9) and the Edomites (The Book of Obadiah) and their origins in Esau (Genesis).

Herod the Great was an Idumean which is Greek for Edomite.  That was an important entry in the New Testament.

But, we in America stopped reading our Bibles.  As a result we do not know the truth.  As a result we are easily deceived.  As a result we are lead by women (Isaiah), and by children (Isaiah).  Our society is marked by YHVH for destruction, total destruction (Revelations and the Prophets).

There is no way to wake people up.  They are too busy, mesmerized by their phones.  They will never look up and see what is coming at them.  Times, seasons are changing quickly.  No one looks to nature or even to the night skies to see the obvious changes.

Protein content in crops is down.  A new planet is visible with the naked eye in the southern sky.  Actually, it is not new.  Nothing is new but it is new to us.  That planet has not been back here in 3,600 years.  The last time it was here Moses was leading the real Israelites through the parted sea–not the Jews.

[Tip:  There were Hebrews.  There were no Jews until the time of the Babylonian captivity.]

It’s time Americans wake up, seek forgiveness and make an effort to reconcile with the Creator Father God of the Old Testament because He is the same YHVH God of the New Testament.  That is an artificial divide made graver by the “religion of the Jews.”

That is not the religion of the Bible.  There is no religion of the Bible!  There is only the faith of our fathers and the history of a people, the history of our people.

This, the Bible, is not the history of the world.

So, the reason Chevy was started was because Henry Ford would not give his creation to the Jews.  Who are the Jews?  What is a Jew?  What is an “international Jew?”

Creator Father God refused to give his creation to the Jews but somehow something went wrong.  Now, the “international Jews” run the world.  They effectively own every man, woman and child upon the face of the earth through a complex series of frauds and deceptions.  They actually “own” us.  They “own” everything.  Well, almost.

I know I sound like a nut.  How could they “own” it all?  It is simple yet it is so complex and well hidden that not one man in a few million can fathom it.  I can.  I did.  And so can you.

Read the Bible.  Give the Bible for a gift.  Make sure to give one to yourself and, more importantly, far more importantly, give yourself time with the Bible.  Do not skip the Old Testament.  Most of the prophecies yet to be fulfilled are in the so-called “old” part of the book.

We are seeing these things unfold right before our eyes.  Sadly, we realize who the evil ones are including the evil system that America has been turned into by the Devil and the Devil’s children!  There is nothing we can do about it–except watch as The United States of America is nuked and destroyed completely in one day!

There is nothing except we can turn to our Father Creator of the universe.  We do NOT do this by going to “church.”  “Church” today is in the business of deceiving!  We do this by sitting alone with our Bibles and reading.  Then occasionally we get together with other Bible readers and talk and compare notes.  That is when the Spirit blossoms and we experience the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth.

And I assure you it’s not Chevrolet.  Nor is it Ford today.  All are corrupt.  None deserve saving.  All deserve death.  And the “international Jews” and their minions have been giving US death for years!

It is time to throw off their yoke!  Throw off the yoke of Esau and establish the proper rule of our Father Creator of the universe on the earth.  READ THE BIBLE.  ALL VERSIONS.  STUDY.  EDIFYING YOURSELF.  LEARN.

Americans have a choice:  either return to our Bibles and restore the Republic or we get nuked.  It will not happen any other way.

And, the answer is “yes” I know how to make most of this happen but I can’t get the ears of those close to me, of my own family and no one understands they are perishing.  Forget our leaders!  America needs a reset.  We need a return to self rule.

This revolution is one man at a time and it comes by sitting on your ass and reading and digesting the Bible which in turn builds the Spirit of the living Father in you.  It can happen no other way!

The Day Mark Zuckerberg Dies

The day Mark Zuckerberg dies people around the world are going to celebrate, especially in America.  Why?  Because an era of tyranny will have ended.

Tyranny by government sponsored corporation will be over.  The CEO of Facebook had better get over himself.  “Zuckface” needs to come to grips that people are fed up with his tyranny and suppression of free speech.

Now, I am not advocating any harm or any action be taken proactively against the infamous “Data” of American corporations but I am pointing out the obvious.  “Zuckface” and his company hide behind the platitude “violation of community standards” while he and his ilk are actively destroying communities across the planet!

That’s right, “Zuckface” and Facebook and every Zionist or Edomite controlled facet of the government of the United States of America, which is ALL OF THEM, are doing their best to dissemble the once great country and mighty culture which rescued the kikes from their fake “Holocaust!”

We liberated them, the Jews, at what price?

At the full cost of everything we hold dear!

How could we go so wrong?

Quite simply, we put our Bibles down and allowed the Jews and their minions to preach to us what was NOT in the Bible!

By failing to read our Bibles for ourselves and failing to educate ourselves, we have broken ranks with our Creator Father God and we have totally succumbed to the Devils!

Now the Devil and his children run not merely our country but the entire world.  Well, almost.

Facebook was created by our own government and funded by our government.  Hence, it is NOT a “private corporation” but a public entity, a public utility.  “Zuckface” and his minions have absolutely no right in censoring any or us.  They have no authority to censor any one!

We have become too dependent upon Facebook to allow this tyranny.  I help people but I am forestalled when folks can no longer reach out to me.  Actually, when I can no longer reply to their pleas.

Allow me to clarify things.  First, not all Jews and not every Jew is bad.  There are bad people in any group.  But the Edomites also known in the Bible as Idumeans are a special group.  Second, the bias and hatred espoused on Facebook is so obvious that people have had it with the Facebook CEO and corporation.

Ultimately, when Facebook fails or a bomb goes off in Facebook’s headquarters, people are going to cheer in significant numbers–that is how hated Facebook and Facebook’s “community standards” are!

Finally, I am not advocating for bombing Facebook or some sort of mass shooting.  What I am advocating is making Facebook totally neutral and allowing free speech.  And, I want Mark Zuckerberg fired!


Hey, Mark, I am firing this one shot for freedom.  And I am wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.  My grandmothers and grandfathers created this country and you are not going to destroy it.  Get your Edomite ass out or we will burn you out–just like prophesized in the Bible in The Book of Obadiah!

A real “holocaust” like your people did to Dresden and Nagasaki–not a fake one like the myth of 6,000,000 Jews you and your people foisted off on us–the HOLOHAUX.  By the way, carbon caused Global Warming is a hoax and you know it.  We are in the first of two Grand Solar Minimums back to back.

In contrast to you, “Zuckface” and Facebook, my blog really is my own and I will write what I want.  I am suffering from a touch of food poisoning and a lot of pain from a MVA last year.  So, I am not exactly feeling charitable.

I suggest you find out what being an American means and what real tolerance is because if you don’t discover those soon, you will only have yourself to blame for your failure–trying to manipulate us.  Perhaps I am expecting too much from a jackass who comes from a sociopathic culture–that’s what liberals are–tyrants and you know what they say about all tyrants.

Mark, I need your advice.  I need a favor.  Help me come up with a name for the holiday celebrating your passing?  Something that rings of “freedom.”

Grand Solar Minimum

This solar minimum started as near I can tell at least a year and a half ago.  The first I heard of it was the report of significantly reduced protein analysis of the crops of South America last summer in 2017.  If I recall there was a reduction on the order to 30% or more in protein content of the grains.  That means that due to significantly decreased nutritional content the crops will not support as much life.

Then I heard the fodder had failed in Australia forcing farmers to kill their livestock.  So, the crops they rely upon to feed their animals has failed down under.

Now my neighbor from Canada who is a farmer confirmed that the protein content for their crops was down.  As he said, ‘crops are failing.’

Now, why would our government which obviously knows and has known for a long time this grand solar minimum was coming not tell us about it?  Why would our own government fail to warn us so we could prepare?

Ode to Jeff Sessions

Mr. Sessions:

I have been far too hard on you.  I am a bit slow.  In fact, I am a retard but let it be our little secret.  Finally, I figured you out.  I want to thank you for all of the hard work you have done and you deserve a break after almost two years of combat.

A lot of us serve quietly, behind the scenes, out of sight but you have been front and center and you have done an excellent job.

Sir, I know you got them.

I look forward to the coming events knowing full well that none of  what is unfolding would have been possible without you.

The nation owes you and will owe you a debt that can never be repaid.  Someday we might see a bronze of you erected on the Washington Mall.

Sir, you fooled them all!  You fooled everybody.

An Open Letter to President Trump Concerning our Borders

Thank you for being my President although I must confess I did not vote for you.  I did not vote for the Wicked Witch either.

If one reads the Constitution one sees that the word “necessary” was utilized only one time in the entire document by our wonderful Founders.  The only body of government which our brilliant Founding Fathers called “necessary” was the “Militia” in Article II of The Bill of Rights.

I write in past tense because the Militia no longer exists!  Actually, the word should be plural but “militia” is one of those unique words in the English language that needs not be pluralized because it was understood that each State had its own militia and each State contributed to our militia at large.

The duties of the “Militia” are designated and expressly written in the Constitution.  These duties are specified In Article I, Section 8 which reads “the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” {bold emphasis added}.

Please note that last word that the Militia is purposed to repel INVADERS!

The only problem is we no longer have a Militia today!  The Militia was done away by The Dick Act of 1902 which is also called the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654.

It is easy to remember that we got screwed once again by the traitors among us by remembering that they put the dick to us!  We need the Militia to defend our borders since our current generals will not!

President Donald J. Trump, you need to fire the generals who refused your directions last week.  Those generals refused your direct order and you must relieve them of their commands.  You have no other choice!




Only the Militia can defend our borders according to The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.*

*Originally, the Constitution had no title but simply began “We the People”