At the beginning of June, Facebook began taking action purging those intelligent people who are onto the New World Order. As JADE HELM commences and runs this appears to be a precursor to the take down.
As we have seen with all “exercises” by the central communist federal government of the United States, mere “exercises” seem to morph readily into the real deal. Hence concern across the nation that J.A.D.E. H.E.L.M. may become the real deal just like occurred on 9-11, at Sandy Hook and in Boston. And the American people have every right to fear. Americans fear their government.
The current administration had done all it can to destroy America; however, Barack Hussein Obama has not been able to get any gun control measures into law. Therefore, the Obama Administration has attempted back door gun control by banning certain ammo and having the Department of Homeland Security contract with ammunition manufacturers in ways to deprive Americans of ammunition.
Perhaps more importantly are the impetuses to precipitate a Race War. With this current administration green lighting violence by Blacks on Whites and the hate speech out of the White House coupled with the massive influx of cash into hot areas like Ferguson by bad actors such as George Soros, with the contraction of the economy and ongoing DEPRESSION, it is no wonder that Blacks want to strike out.
And strike out they will!
But let’s get down to speaking the truth candidly and boldly. What all of our problems have in common is they are caused by the New World Order which is actually a Jew World Order.
Now, most Jews are not active players in the New World Order and the vast majority of Jews have no idea that their religion and race have been high-jacked just as all of the major religions have. Moreover, the Jews do not realize that they are being used and set up for major blow back.
While the Holocaust was a hoax, the 66 Million Christians murdered in Russia remain unacknowledged. Moreover, when the masses of non-Jews discover that the Jewish media and all have done this to them, there may be a real Jewish Holocaust!
What we have today is a total break down of cultures across the world and the destruction of all of the foundations of government and economies world wide. And, indeed, all of this was done by the Jewish bankers, the Rothschild family of false Jews! (Rev 2:9, 3:9) They own everything, even Facebook.