When my friend wanted me to use his Conklin products in my Porsche Cayenne I was wary but I did look at the Conklin products. I dared not touch their lubricants and especially their gear grease and transmission fluid, but I thought I had found a gasoline treatment that might help my engine run cleaner. I certainly did but at a price.
Their 4-Power G Gasoline Fuel System Cleaner also seemed innocuous enough, so I tried them both. Now, my car requires premium fuel but getting that is not a problem. And my car does not have readily replaceable fuel filters. Couple that with the fact I drive it rather sedately so that when I do have to hit the gas and make an emergency move it gets rather embarrassing to see that cloud of crap dumped out the back of my car as the spark plugs clean off their deposits!
Conklin’s 4-Power G does not seem to be the problem but Conklin’s Fuel Mate Plus appears to have caused so much damage in my car that when it came time to return it, I did just that (no refund). Certainly, I owned the case and had half of it left. I could have given it away or even resold it, but neither route seemed right.
Fuel Mate Plus had already cost me in repairs and was on the verge of costing me thousands in replacing my catalytic converters but I think I stopped using it in time. I really am not sure and only time will tell. But since I stopped using Fuel Mate Plus my check engine light has not come on. I am hoping that I stopped in time to save the catalytic converter.
Last fall with only 28,000 miles on a new set of ignition coils, three of them went out at once! Now, one or two I understand but three means there is something seriously wrong. I replaced my plugs at the same time and those were in good shape. But plugs are relatively cheap whereas each ignition coil is $80. I suspect the ignition coils went bad working to compensate for the thrown off timing caused by using Fuel Mate Plus.
I never did notice a verifiable increase in mileage across the time I used half a case of Fuel Mate Plus. I even tried using less than the amount recommended and that actually seemed beneficial. My engine makes slightly less power when using Fuel Mate Plus.
Conklin claims that Fuel Mate Plus is safe for catalytic converters and they even claimed in email that it would make catalytic converters last longer! Really?
When Fuel Mate Plus first came out the packaging said it was safe for catalytic converters but it no longer says that.
When my check engine light came on I was using Shell V-Power. Shell was about the last company to put ethanol in their premium and once Shell did that my car stopped liking Shell. It appears that Shell uses a much higher carbon content in their particular ethanol because I notice more soot on my exhaust pipes using Shell V-Power. Even Costco burns cleaner than Shell V-Power.
Point of Information: My Turbo seems to like Quick Trip better and it burns cleaner. I was on the road and Shell was all that was available when I needed fuel.
Point of Information: I have been using ethanol free 91 octane lately and my car really likes it. Country Mark 91PLUS is the best gas I can find in Fort Wayne. If anyone knows of a better gas in the area, such as an ethanol free 93 octane, please let me know.
Conklin says that Fuel Mate Plus “lengthens” the burn time thereby giving more mpg, but as far as I can tell what Fuel Mate Plus really does is “retard” the timing and reduces power. My V8 runs better without Fuel Mate Plus. I think that Fuel Mate Plus by retarding the timing is also putting more pressure on my car’s catalytic converters. I suspect Conklin Fuel Mate Plus does this on other car’s catalytic converters.
Certainly, there are many variables. For one we have an EPA that lies to us about catalytic converters and fuel. We have auto manufacturers who are happily making money replacing parts. No one appears truthful.
What is the cost on my Porsche? First, my diagnosis and computer reset cost me almost $155 after PCA discounts. Without the discounts their labor approaches $180 an hour!
Second, Porsche of Albuquerque was insistent the catalytic converter on the passenger side would require replacing. The cost of the part was almost $2,000 and the estimate was five hours labor. Now, that’s for just one side. Double that for both catalytic converters. For comparison, the cost of the entire catalytic system on my Toyota Avalon was $300 including labor.
There really are a lot of variables but the fact is even when I am running the standard 91 octane with ethanol my engine light remains off. Whether or not it will stay that way I do not know but I am going to find out. I am not using Conklin.
No more additives for me. I can’t wait until America can have real gasoline again, ethanol free. That 50 cents more per gallon for engine destroying corn syrup is going to our totally corrupt politicians! Pull the plug on corn and drain the swamp.