Monthly Archives: December 2018

Make the Government Shutdown Permanent and

Lay off those employees or should I use the communist’s term “workers?”

I would love to see Donald step forward and declare we need to save money and cut down the government.  We can start with those already laid off by this temporary shutdown.  Then we can go after the Department of Education.

The Department of Education does a lousy job.  The Department of Education has produced a defective product and should be fired!

Let’s send them all home and stop funding education at the federal government level because it has not provided us with a good return on investment.  I hope and pray President Trump will step up to the plate and cut government to the bone.

Until we start doing important things, there is no sense in doing frivolous things.  Fire the entire Department of Education!

Biggest Genocide in America is Kept Secret!

The biggest genocide in the Untied States occurred during the Great Depression.  Depending upon the source the estimates are from 3 Million to 6 Million Americans were starved to death!

This was done purposely, wittingly by the actions of two US presidents or “puppets” named Hoover and Roosevelt.  Roosevelt purposely took action to prolong the Great Depression of 1929 so that his puppet masters were able to more fully plunder the American people!

We really do need to rid ourselves of the parasites among us who hide these things from the public!  There is no “freedom of speech” and the press certainly is not “free!”  The press is owned by five or six corporations depending upon how one analyzes things.

As my older brother said, “They aren’t exactly Irish.”

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a Mass Murderer!  Buy the book here.

FDR purposely starved to death 3-6 Million Americans during the theft he engineered and kept going in order that the elite could maximize their plundering of the American people by extending wittingly the Great Depression!

FDR was the greatest American mass murderer in the history  of the United States.  As one of my older brothers says, “He wasn’t exactly Irish.”

Ben Franklin warned us what would happen if we allowed the Jews to reside in America.  Thomas Jefferson also issued a similar warning.

It’s time we made Israeli Dual citizenship illegal and kicked them all out of the USA!  This is a matter of survival.

Current Suicide Rate in US Exceeds that of the Great Depression!

For decades the suicide rate in the US hovered around 20,000 per while our homicide rate had been approximately half of that.  in 2017 there were 41,173 suicides!

Suicide has been constant across the planet and varied only by region for decades.  All of this increase in death may be attributed to the illegally occupied government in the USA and tothe United States Federal Reserve.

We must rise up and take out the Israeli Dual Citizens from all government positions, elected and unelected.  This is a survival issue.  The bulk of the central federal government and all lessor governments in the USA are communistic and we have genocide.

South Africa Today, America Tomorrow!

I am borrowing this from a friend from South Africa.  I am only going to give it paragraphs and spacing.  I will not edit it nor will I even correct spellings.  This is copied ‘n pasted to get the word out and to get the bad news out of South Africa.

Why?  Because I want to save South Africa!  I have been given 30 days on FacistBook aka KikeBook which many call Facebook.  Folks, the Jews are The Problem and it is not all the Jews but a peculiar subset called “Edomites” in the Bible.

We in America allowed this to happen on our watch and this is merely a preview to exactly what will happen to America if we do not get the rule of law back.  Which means if Hillary and Comey and the errant FBI and DOJ are not charged with their crimes and high treason, America is going to become a shit hole–just like South Africa today.  In many ways America is already a shithole compared to what it was when I was growing up!

Dear World.

This is South Africa. A beautiful place where firestations, schools, buildings, vehicles and busses are set a light. Where service delivery is poor because of a lack of proper knowledge. Where our government is corrupt and pushes taxes up so we pay the money which was stolen by our president.

The only country in the world where the big guys at the head of the table want to close police stations at 6pm because it isn’t safe and where protesting destroys everything in its path. Then tomorrow comes and the same protesters want to take a bus they can’t because some busses were burned… or go to a mall or clinic they can’t it was destroyed, or have to travel an hour longer because of detours due to damages to roads which was caused by protestors … They will complain about poor service delivery yet protesters were the ones causing the damages. Protests left right and centre about anything and everything. Petrol going up (example pic of such a protest), food going up, everything going up. Yes people have had enough… Cost are rising. But must everything be destroyed? Like me, lots of people Love this country and do not want to immigrate. I am not being negative… Not am I a hater… This is facts. This IS happening.

We just want to law and order. Proper systems in place and procedures where if questions are raised they are answered. Where you can provide for your family properly. Where a farmer can farm without fear. Where kids can go to school with all the needed equipment. Where a man and woman can go to work without worrying about a road being blocked. Regardless if you are purple, brown, pink, black, white, green, blue or Grey….

You do not need to destroy roads, buildings and other people’s property when or during protesting. You do not have to destroy firestations, emergency vehicles and burn trucks and busses etc. You do not need to destroy roads and prevent other people from going to work. That is spiteful and you are robbing someone else of putting food on the table for their family. So world here is our beloved country… This is happening and you probably won’t see this on your news. Burning what can be burned, people being killed, murdered. Property, buildings and vehicles destroyed…. Families living in fear… And farmers being exterminated one by one. Food and petrol prices sky high.

Welcome to South Africa. Our once free country now being shackled by waves of crimes and mountains of corruption. This is intensely saddening. Hoping the right people sees this

One may see the entire post with video and pictures at

#presidentTrump #farmmurders #enough #helpus

South Africa Today, America Tomorrow!