Monthly Archives: June 2020


I would prefer to see the Original 13th Amendment researched and considered for possible restoration as I think it was fully ratified. With that the remaining should be considered for nullification.

This is one way to restore self rule and our Republic. I rely upon others to look at this and consider it. It was mentioned by Eustace Mullins in one of his books. It is not an original idea of mine.

The Foundations Have Been Destroyed

What an amazing time we live in. The foundations have been destroyed and now we are beginning to understand. We thought we had “license” to get away with anything. Now, we realize that we are paying the price for our failures to do the right thing(s).

How did this happen? We were deceived and then we deceived ourselves! We let this filth in and these are the rewards we reap!

Eustace Mullens’ mentor referred to those who have illegally occupied America and own the USA and everything & everyone in it as “filth.” Boy, was Ezra Pound right!

So, you and I, we get to watch and live through the take down of the USA. We deserve it. We earned it!

What can one do at this point? It is so late in the game.

We can pray to Creator Father. We can read our Bibles and should. Why? Because it is the foundation from which Western Civilization was born!

Bible readers may be deceived but certainly not as easily nor as often as non-Bible readers. Importantly, no one can read it for you. One must read it for one’s self!

That’s how we got into trouble! Even the major prophets wrote of this time with our “lying pastors.” They did not have pastors back then. All they had were priests.

So, can anybody tell me what time it is?

Does anybody really care?

The Genocide of the Caucasians!

The Caucasian people peaked in approximately 1930 at approximately 30% of the world’s population. The remainder divided between Asian and Negro peoples.

In approximately 2010 Caucasians were down to only 7 and 1/2 per cent and falling rapidly. In order to hide this genocide the US Census rolled in Hispanics with Caucasians to keep the public from becoming aware of the trend. Gerald Celente should take note!

At this time we are less than 6% of the world’s population. Now, tell me if this is not a concerted effort, a well-organized effort to rid the world of the White race?

Who does it benefit?

Why it benefits the “supremacists.” Now, how can it benefit the “White Supremacists?” It can’t. It doesn’t.

Who is it? Which “race” claims they are to “rule the world” and the rest of us are to serve them?

The Jewish Supremacists!

Now, why would those nice Jewish people want to kill off the White people?

Might it be because they merely say they are Jews and are not? Let’s see. Where did I see this before?

That’s right! In the Bible! Everything is in the Bible! It’s “the Jews those who ‘say’ they are Jews and are not!” In Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 John the Apostle is writing at Patmos the words spoken by Jesus. Look it up. Read it!

Now, it’s not ALL Jews. If there are fake or false Jews, there must be real ones, true ones.

If we read the Bible carefully we find out our enemy is descended from Cain and from Esau who became known as Edom. The Book of Obadiah tells us they are Edomites.

These are Fake Jews! They are not Israelites! They are not descendants of Israel the man. Rather they are descendants of Cain who was fathered by the serpent!

Who are the Israelites? Why they are the people from the House of Israel who bolted across the Caucas Mountains and broke into Europe and the rest of the world. They never went back home to Israel the land, the promised land.

The Israelites today are scattered across the world. There are many great Israelite nations and the US is or WAS only one of them.

Today, all Israelite peoples are under siege. We are being attacked by the flood of peoples being foisted upon us by the Jewish race!

The other people are not our enemies but they are being used against us. Moreover, they are not able to defeat the Edomite Jews, and we Israelite Caucasians are able to defeat the Evil One and his children the Edomites!

That is why the false Jews are in America and that is how the false Jews are using America. Don’t believe me. Don’t take my word for it! Read your Bibles! Educate yourselves! Free yourselves and SAVE yourselves from the Enemy of the World!

PS If you are Jewish, then you are obligated to ferret out the evil ones from among you and do justice. I suggest you start with the obvious ones.

And if you do not do this or will not do this, then people are going to burn you all and they aren’t going to give a rat’s ass about the real descendants from the House of Judah.

My suggestion is you come clean and weed out the evil ones for prosecution and justice. At this point in time I think we have reason to demand you show cause as to why we should not burn you out along with the Evil Ones!

You have allowed them to hide among you and behind you. They have sacrificed Jews before. What makes you think they won’t do it again?

You are protecting them and the world is waking up fast to the Evil you condone!

1913 The Death of America

With the advent of three institutions the fate of the American Republic was sealed. The foremost of these was the “Federal Reserve System” which handed over all of the labor of the last century to the Rothschild’s and their cronies.

It was and remains a system of fraud and theft. There is NO MONEY! It was all stolen by the International Bankers!

The other was the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, whose sole purpose is to DEFAME others! B’nai B’rith was started before the Civil War under the auspices of representing the “Children of the Covenant” which is a serious fraud and misrepresentation since in actuality their purpose if to hunt down and destroy the real children of the covenants, the real descendants of the Israelites, the real chosen people.

Bear in mind that the methodology of the ADL is to slander, libel and “defame” others whom they identify as “anti-Semitic.” The fact is majority of Jews today are NOT descendants of Shem. They are not “Shemites.” The Yiddish language is not a Semitic language!

The third organization that was founded in 1913 was the Bureau of Internal Revenue which became the IRS. The fact is that the Sixteenth Amendment was never ratified! It was merely announced by the acting Secretary of the Treasury as having been passed when it had never been voted upon!

At the same time the Income Tax was reimposed tariffs & duties on imports were lowered from 40% to 25%. Prior to this the Federal government was funded by those tariffs & duties. Now, we were forced to support this Central Communist Government and we were forced to compete with foreign labor.

The creation of the IRS is extremely difficult to understand as it was done over a long time and in complete subterfuge. I am completely inadequate to convey that story in a few paragraphs. One may find it in Melvin Stamper’s “FRUIT FROM A POISONOUS TREE” published in 2008. I highly recommend this book.

The USA is an Authoritarian Regime run by the Communist Deep State with its Two Parties, the Democrat & the Republican!

The USA is an Authoritarian Regime run by the Communist Deep State with its Two Parties, the Democrat & the Republican, owned and run by Israel!

Abraham Lincoln and his Republican Party DESTROYED OUR REPUBLIC! “Honest Abe’s” father was A.A. Springs who was a relative of the Rothschilds AKA Bauer.

In 1913 the undermining of the States was secured. It was finalized under Bernard Baruch who “advised” several Presidents and gave us the (fake) “Cold War” in order to further cement the total take over of the USA and bring us into this destructive period.

At our height Caucasians were approximately 30% of the World’s population. Guess what we are today? We are approximately 6%.
Why does the Evil One and his children want to destroy us Caucasians? Because we are the only ones who can stop them!

This is a well orchestrated Genocide of Caucasians world wide! They are all EDOMITES! They merely call themselves Jews and are not!