Trump is a Caged Bird or a FRAUD!

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Damn, that is so clichéd!

Trump is either another enemy only worse than Obama or else he is a caged bird.

We know in part the brainwashing and programming the CIA subjects us to.  If that is what they do to us, think about what our keepers are doing to Trump and his family!

Trump has been caged.  Pigeonholed.  That means IT’S ALL OVER, FOLKS!

They have gotten the man to cave in.  McMaster’s was the tipping point.  By forcing that man upon his administration, we now know that all bets are off.  More importantly, we are being set up for a terrible, disastrous fall.

“Free stuff for patriots” is another marketing ploy.  Real men, real patriots don’t want “free stuff” because nothing is ever free.  We have a weak man who does not understand history, nor the Constitution, nor the Bible, nor the Declaration of Independence and we are in for one hell of a ride.

“Free stuff for patriots” is designed to make you think that since you regard yourself as a patriot, Trump must be a patriot.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  “Free stuff” means Trump is a Democrat in sheep’s clothing, that he is only concerned with marketing to US.

Donald certainly is better than Hillary but he is not a warrior for justice.  He is merely a deal maker and he has made a deal with the devil.


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