1,070,000,000 COVID-19 Deaths to Date

And untold numbers of non-lethal casualties and counting!

Sadly, from Fleming;s book “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?: A Scientific and Forensic Investigation” published in 2021 by Skyhorse Publishing, New York we know a lot more.

First, it was released by the CCP.

Second, it was made in several laboratories across the world.

Third, the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) and its communist leader were behind it and remain behind it.

Fourth, it was funded by various agencies of the federal government of the United States of America and the American taxpayer.

Fifth, every aspect of COVID-19 has a Revelations 2:9 & 3:9 FALSE JEW at the head of it! Everyone of them is an atheistic Jew! All the men and women. Including those heading High Tech Social Media censoring the rest of us and those in charge of the FDA and those at the very heads of corporations such as Black Rock!

Revelations 2:9, 3:9

Now, why are they all Jewish? Or am I deluded?

This, these people or hybrids or whatever they are (the Synagogue of Satan according to the Bible), is MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT today. Read 2 Esdras 11 in the old Bibles. You will see the symbol for this Beast system.

2 Esdras 11

Mystery Babylon the Great

A three headed eagle. The center head is Rome, the Vatican. The Left head is The City of London INSIDE of London. And the third head is Washington DC.

The Three Headed Eagle

The Vatican, The City of London & Washington DC

This is the culmination of the Beast system first described by Daniel. This proves how right and accurate the Bible really is!

Buy the best Bible available today in five different formats at the lowest prices anywhere:


According to Revelations this first wave would kill one-third of the world’s population and the next wave will kill another third of the world’s population!

One-Third of the World’s Population

Sixth, we know from the brave heroine Chinese physician who blew the whistle and now resides in New York that the CCP has a “hidden payload” in their CV-19 Bioweapon that has yet to deploy and/or be revealed.

Two-Thirds of the World’s Population

Have you had enough yet!? I certainly have! These people or hybrids (or Satan’s) rule by deceit. That is why Babylon the Great is such a mystery.

They utilize sorcery (Galatians 5:20 pharmakeia, Revelations 18:23 sorceries) . Sorcery in the form of psychological warfare (their mainstream media including Hollywood and their CIA & CAA and almost all of the publishers!) and in their drugs, street drugs AND pharmaceuticals. Not to mention their control of the internet, the World Wide Web!


Isn’t it time we wrested control from them and stopped the suffering? This Hell on earth they have given us?

Hell on Earth

Let us all work together to overcome these monsters, these demons and these devils! Please READ YOUR BIBLE and abide by the 10 Commandments. Press in and earn the Holy Spirit. Then, you shall know what to do.

Let’s bring all mankind together against these devils.

The Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth is established one soul at a time. Let’s bring all mankind together against these devils. The devils who bring us incessant wars. The devils who put us at each other’s throats. The devils who divide families and man & wife since Adam and Eve. The devils who are destroying the earth!

The Earth Groans for Her Saviors!

2 thoughts on “1,070,000,000 COVID-19 Deaths to Date

  1. NOLAbutterfly

    « Behold, I am causing those of the synagogue of Satan, the ones who call themselves Jews and are not, but are lying—behold, I will make them come and kneel down … »

    As a true jew, I’ve who loves Good albeit not a religious one, but I’ve with family in Israhell and as one who speaks the language (a little- ksat!) i can attest that this is a real connection. The symbol of my people is the menorah but the Rothschild shield has obfuscated it and forced the occult so – called «“ start of David”  onto my abducted people. Not all who are Jews are Zionists and not all who are Zionists are Jews, much less real ones. Most in the holy land believe the propaganda like most do theirs here in the states and are not in on any conspiracy but suckers to it themselves. However, those Uber elite, tend to be this brand of atheistic fake jew you define and obviously are ask in on the agenda. We must remain vigilant and recognize the devil by his ACTS.

  2. Nola Butterfly

    “Behold, I am causing those of the synagogue of Satan, the ones who call themselves Jews and are not, but are lying—behold, I will make them come and kneel down …”

    As a true jew, one who loves Good, albeit not a religious one, but one with family in Israhell and as one who speaks the language (a little- ksat!) i can attest that this is a real connection. The symbol of my people is the menorah but the Rothschild shield has obfuscated it and forced the occult so – called “star of David” onto my abducted people. Not all who are Jews are Zionists and not all who are Zionists are Jews, much less real ones. Most in the holy land believe the propaganda like most do theirs here in the States and are not in on any conspiracy but suckers to it themselves. However, those Uber elite, tend to be of this brand of atheistic fake jew you define and obviously are all in on the agenda, as their actions and stated intentions make clear. We must remain vigilant and recognize the devil by his ACTS. We must recognize patterns where they lay, and call a spade a spade. This is not anti-semetism, but factual information, so long as we don’t accuse all Jews of being part of the satanic cabal. But we must call out the ones that are and understand the origins of this demonic octopus so as to liberate all people, including the real Jews. “Come out of her my people!”


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