The Error in the Bible on Original Sin

For a long time men and women have been at each other’s throats blaming each other for the Original Sin. It’s time we placed that blame clearly where it belongs–on the fallen angels!

Certainly, it says explicitly in the New Testament that the woman was deceived while the man was not. But that doesn’t clarify things much except to say that Eve made a mistake while she was deceived while Adam decided he loved his wife so much he could not live without her.

So, their Father YHVH made a plan. A plan to redeem them both.

I have heard it said that the “editors” re-arranged the order of The Book of Genesis. Applying that reasoning works particularly well in this one instance. However, it may well be that time was not delineated as precisely when the original text was produced.

In my opinion the accounting for the Original Sin starts in Chapter Six not Chapter Three. In Chapter Six we see that the sons of God took the daughters of men and they bore children. What we have here is the mixing of species creating a new species or hybrids. Thus, the Original Sin is the fallen angels impregnating women. Hence, in Chapter Three we find Eve admitting she had sex with the serpent because he seduced her!

Eve gave birth to Cain. Only the eldest son could make sacrifice. Yet we see both Abel and Cain making sacrifice. They were the oldest sons of their respective fathers. Abel being the son of Adam and Cain being the son of the serpent.

Cain became the murderer and he fathered many peoples. YHVH did not want his children intermarrying with the satanic serpent seed line which is why YHVH told the Israelites over and over again not to intermarry with the Canaanites.

We are dealing today with the offspring of that union between Eve and one of the satan class of fallen angels. I consider the fallen angels as more of a class of angel than I do the offspring of a fallen angel named Satan because the Bible says there were many.

For centuries we’ve been at each other’s throats. One blaming the other. When the fact is the Bible states clearly that the Deceiver seduced Eve. It’s time we stopped blaming Eve and we stopped blaming Adam. When after all it was those angels cast out from heaven that are to blame.

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