Tag Archives: Bill Clinton

Dr. Kent Show November 12, 2017

The original sin. Genesis 3:13

God’s real name. Psalm 68:4

The Clinton Sex Tapes hosted and posted on the government of Ecuador website.

Guest Ray Bunzow, Teacher.

Guest Sara from Ecuador, eye witness.

NYPD Clinton Sex Videos

A couple of days have passed since I was informed of what I am publishing on the sex abuse videos found on Anthony Weiner’s lap top.  Here is what my senior psychologist told me.

The New York Police secured these video and photos which are not legal to even possess in America.  So, I have not viewed this material myself and my colleague has not sent me the links because she knows that it is illegal in America, land of the not so free, to even possess one picture, one frame of these!

My peer accessed these videos from the government of Ecuador’s web site!  The Ecuadorians do not have this on their government website to provide titillation.  Rather, Ecuador is a family oriented Catholic Christian nation and they want the public at large to be able to view this sordid video and see for themselves the horror of it because they want to put a stop to it.

But in America, we are not free.  We certainly are not free to view these video ourselves and see for ourselves the evidence, the faces of Bill and Hillary and Huma and their victims–children who are forced to submit to acts they obviously do not consent to as they scream and cry!

She saw the video of Hillary performing oral sex on an apparently 13 year old girl against that child’s wishes!  Huma and Hillary we naked in bed with that 13 year old girl who protested verbally their actions upon her!  IT WAS RAPE!

She saw several videos of former President Bill Clinton raping different underage girls.  One was as young as five years old!  Others were seven and thirteen.  She reported that they must have been six or seven explicit videos of William Jefferson Clinton RAPING MINOR GIRLS!

In each video is was obvious he was raping these underage girls on Jeffrey Epstein’s island!  The girls cried and screamed.

I asked about other adults and if they protected the girls.  My confidant told me that there were many other adults but they were cheering Bill Clinton on and it appeared those adults were engaged in some sort of ritual, a Satanic cult celebration of sorts.

Do you feel protected by our Federal laws against child pornography?  I thought it a good idea to make such things against the law but in this case those laws protect the rich and powerful and the rapists and pedophiles!  We need the freedom in America to be able to view these videos and confirm these heinous deeds.  We need to know the truth and go after these bastards!

Donald Trump’s First Order of Business

Donald Trump’s first order of business before he does anything, even before he takes office is to pass the Glass-Steagall Act which the Bill Clinton Administration rescinded allowing banks to become big gamblers making the entire economy vulnerable.

By reenacting the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, Trump will protect the average American from the disasters of 2008 and other years in which hard earned assets of middle class Americans including pensions and real estate values were stripped away from them when the housing bubble burst.  This will prevent further melt down of our wealth when the massive spending of Barrack Hussein Obama and the left and the Republicans and the neo-cons comes home to roost as two out of every three American dollars are repatriated home–I.e., hyperinflation.

Without these protections in place our entire economy remains at risk.  Donald J. Trump needs to advocate for the re-enactment of Glass-Steagall NOW, BEFORE he takes office in order to protect and defend America from her greatest enemy–the international bankers!

President-elect TRUMP AND HIS TEAM NEED TO DO THIS NOW!  Every day delayed makes America vulnerable to economic collapse as the New World Order seeks to impose its will upon us!

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Must be Disbarred!

Attorney General Loretta Lynch must be disbarred!  Completely stripped of any and all ability to practice law!

Lynch’s recent meeting with impeached former President Bill Clinton was designed to purposely torpedo the FBI and DOJ investigation of Hillary Clinton.  Since Lynch has demonstrated such poor judgment and totally muddied the waters in a way purposely to delay the investigations and charges against Hillary Clinton, she must resign or be terminated and be disbarred.

ABC News Exclusive is Tantamount to an Admission Hillary Clinton’s Presidential run is Over

ABC News interview of Hillary Clinton is tantamount to an admission that her presidential run is over!  And that is good news and it is expected.

After all, the former Secretary is guilty of so much bad judgment and and bad behavior that the failure of the Obama Department of Justice to prosecute her makes it obvious to the pu8blic that the rule of law in America has long passed.

To charge and convict former CIA Director Patreus for far lessor crimes shows the clout the Clinton’s have at circumventing the law.  Remember, it was Hillary Clinton as First Lady who had 219 FBI records on Congressmen on her desk (wrongfully) for the specific purpose of blackmailing Congress to not impeach her husband President Bill Clinton.  Those 219 legislators could have only gone forward with an impeachment if they were willing to risk their entire FBI files and their mischief made public!

No more Clintons and no more Bushes in officer–ever!